Confederacy, Little Rock Ark. Jun 24, 1862, cds and manuscript "Due 10" rating on cover to Decatur Ga., endorsed "T.F. Stokes, Nelson's Regt T.V.I. first two pages of original enclosed letter datelined "Camp Texas four miles West of Little Rock Ark, June 8th 1862" with some interesting content "It is reported here, that Memphis is in possession of the Federals; if so, I am not informed how our mail Communication with the East, is to be kept up…We arrived here last Wednesday, after a long and wearisome march of over five hundred miles, and are now waiting in momentary expectation of orders to march still further. I don't like Arkansas at all. I have heard t made fun of ever since I went to Texas; its chief production seems to be swamp water.…At Camp Brazos before leaving Texas, we lost two men from being poisoned with whiskey. The Regiment which went ahead of us (Col Parson's) had a brush with the Yankees not long Since, completely routing them and Killing a good many according to the numbers engaged. Lieut. McDonald, particular friend of mine from Waxahachie was killed whilst making a brilliant charge…"; some light stains, F.-V.F. and interesting Texas Volunteer soldier letter. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $450

Confederacy, (Camp Cooper, Florida) "Paid 10", manuscript rating on multicolor wallpaper cover with floral design in dark red, blue and shades of tan addressed to Capt. Winston Stephens, Camp Cooper, Fla.; some stains and edge wear, F.-V.F. and scarce use to Florida Fort. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

Confederacy, Pensacola Fla. Jun. 1 - First Day of Confederate Postal System, cds with matching "Paid" in circle and "5" rating handstamps on light buff cover to Cartersville Ga., additional manuscript "Paid 5" rating beneath handstamps; cover staining, edge flaws incl. reduced at right and refolded at top, Fine and rare First Day Confederate usage from Florida. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,050

Confederacy, "Australia Miss, Nov 17th", manuscript postmark and matching "Paid 5" rating on 3¢ red (U26) buff Star die entire addressed to Carroll Hoy & Co., New Orleans La., additional manuscript "Due 5" rating at bottom right, F.-V.F. Mississippi adversity use of U.S. 3¢ Star Die entire, ex-Kohn. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $280

Confederacy, Brownsville Tex., Apr 10 1861, bold strikes of rimless town cds and matching "PAID 10" straightline rating on cover to Independence, Texas; reduced at left, Very Fine. C.S.A. Catalog Nos. C; $300 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $220

Confederacy, "Sand Springs Tex, Novem 27th/64", manuscript postmark and matching "Paid 10cts" rating on cover to San Augustine, Texas; small erosion spot and some wear, Fine and scarce Texas town. C.S.A. Catalog Nos. Ms; $300 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $230

Confederacy, (Texas) Tyler, Tex, Feb 25, clear strike of cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with manuscript "10" rating on orange cover to Houston, Texas, manuscript "Charge 60 MAL." box notation; reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $230

Confederacy, Richmond, Va., Sep 21, 1861, cds with matching "PAID 2" rating handstamp on A.H. Stephens drop rate cover; docket on reverse, "Wants Mr. Stephens, to lend him $40 or buy him an army repeater"; edge repairs and missing bottom flap, Very Fine appearance, a scarce drop usage. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210