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Sale 114: The Iglesias Collection of Mexico

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Soyaniquilpan to Tampico Districts

Lots 225-234 Lots 235-244 Lots 245-249

Lot 225    

Mexico, Soyaniquilpan 1r Yellow, tied on cover by a very clear strike of Franco Soyaniquilpan (Schatzkes 1547), Very Fine and attractive.
Scott No. 2    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Lot 226 o   

Mexico, Soyaniquilpan 1r Yellow and 2r Yellow Green, both cancelled Franco Soyaniquilpan (Schatzkes 1547) two line postmark, F.-V.F.; 1r has a 1987 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.
Scott No. 2-3    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Realized: $600

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Lot 227    

Mexico, Soyaniquilpan 2r Green, pre-printing paper fold, tied to piece by Franco Soyaniquilpan (Schatzkes 1547) two line handstamp, Very Fine.
Scott No. 3    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $260

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Lot 228    

Mexico, Soyaniquilpan 2r Green, tied on folded cover by nice strike of two line Franco Soyaniquilpan (Schatzkes 1547) handstamp, Very Fine and choice.
Scott No. 3    Estimate $400 - 600.

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Lot 229 o   

Mexico, Soyaniquilpan 2r Green, Without District Name, distinctly cancelled two line Franco en Jilotepec (Schatzkes 1549 - 150 points), F.-V.F., A Great Rarity; with 1998 M.E.P.S.I. certificate.
Scott No. 3d    Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

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Lot 230 o   

Mexico, Soyaniquilpan 2r Yellow Green, Without District Name, cancelled by two line Franco en Jilotepec (Schatzkes 1549 - 150 points), Fine, A Great Rarity.
Scott No. 3d    Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

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Lot 231 o   

Mexico, Sultepec ½r Blue, cancelled ornate Franco Zacualpan (Schatzkes 1553AA - 150 points), F.-V.F., a wonderful rarity; with 2002 M.E.P.S.I. certificate (mentions this has the "Iglesias Hook" plate variety, a constant flaw which was discovered by Dr. Iglesias). Follansbee $2,500.
Scott No. 1    Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

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Realized: $2,700

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Lot 232 o   

Mexico, Sultepec ½r Blue, cancelled ornate Franco Zacualpan (Schatzkes 1553AA - 150 points), Fine and rare, ex-Fayolle. Follansbee $2,500.
Scott No. 1    Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

It appears from how the cancels seem to align, that this was used adjacent to the stamp in the previous lot.

Realized: $2,400

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Lot 233 o   

Mexico, Sultepec 1r Lemon Yellow, cancelled ornate Franco Zacualpan (Schatzkes 1553AA - 150 points), Very Fine, an Attractive Example of This Rarity, ex-Fayolle. Follansbee $1,200.
Scott No. 2    Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $3,250

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Lot 234 o   

Mexico, Sultepec 2r Emerald, a magnificent example with horizontal district overprint, cancelled with the boxed straight-line Sultepec (Schatzkes 1552 - 300 points), Extremely Fine. Follansbee $2,500.
Scott No. 3b    Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.


Realized: $3,750

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Lots 225-234 Lots 235-244 Lots 245-249

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