Confederacy, Richland Jail, Columbia, S.C. "Earliest Known Usage", prisoner of war cover from Dr. C.C. Gray to Geneva, N.Y., prisoner of war cover from Dr. C.C. Gray to Geneva, N.Y., franked with CSA 1861 5¢ green (1) tied by blue "Columbia, S.C." cds, manuscript endorsement "From Dr. C.C. Gray USA, Prisoner of War, Columbia S.C.", additional endorsed "Prison Letter Maj vHerrmann USA" at top, postmarked "Old Point Comfort, Va. Feb 4" double circle with "Due 3" straight line, Confederate censor's "Exd by WS" (Capt. Wm. Shiver, Jail Commander) pencil marking, adhesive partially torn away (most probably caused by censors attempt to remove), ex-Antrim and pictured in his book, "Civil War Prisons and Their Covers" on pg. 130.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Antrim writes in his book, "From a prisoner in Columbia, S.C. early in the war, January 27, 1862. Only four prisoners' covers are known used with the 5¢ green lithographed stamp. The Yankees tried to tear off the "Rebel" stamp; this was quite often done in the early part of the war." .

Confederacy, Richland Jail, Columbia S.C., prisoner of war cover to from prisoner of war Col. Stephen M. Weld, 56th Mass. (Colored) Vols. to "Lieut. Lipp, Act. Adj. 56 Mass. Vol., 1st Brig. 1st. Div. 9th A.C. Army Potomac, Va.", postmarked "Old Point Comfort, Va. Sep. 8" double circle, bold manuscript Confederate censor "Exd R.D. Senn, Capt Post Guard." marking at top and then again at left, cover with additional manuscript endorsements "Prisoner of War" (at top left) and "Care of Col. Ould, Richmond, Va.", no indication of any rate markings, included is original enclosure datelined "Richland Jail, Columbia, S.C., Aug. 18th, '64", letter with interesting wartime content, Very Fine and choice, Illustrated on page 57, "Prisoners' Mail From The American Civil War" by Galen Harrison.Estimate $500 - 750.
Richland Jail served as the main county jail for Richland County, located near downtown Columbia. This three-story brick building was the first prison established in the city. Unfortunately, it, like much of Columbia, was destroyed by fire when Sherman's army entered in February 1865. The jail had been in use for prisoners as early as January 1, 1862, under the command of Captain Shiver. Initially, inmates were treated fairly well, sometimes attending lodge meetings or dining at fine restaurants. However, this changed when Captain Rufus D. Senn took charge of the Columbia prisons, adopting a much more businesslike approach. By the time Sherman arrived in Columbia on February 17, 1865, the jail was still operational, as indicated by Sherman's official report referencing "the officers who had long been imprisoned there and rescued by us." .
Realized: $450

Confederacy, Richland Jail, Columbia S.C., cover from prisoner of war Col. Stephen M. Weld, 56th Mass. (Colored) Vols. to his father in Jamaica Plain, Mass., franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by segmented cork cancel with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Sep 26" double circle postmark, bold manuscript Confederate censor "Examd R.D. Senn, Capt Gd." at left, cover with additional manuscript endorsements "By Flag of Truce" (at top left) and "Kindness Maj. Andersen", Very Fine and choice.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $425

Confederacy, Richland Jail, Columbia S.C., prisoner of war cover to Westminster, Md., franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by segmented cork cancel with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Sept. 14" double circle postmark alongside, bold manuscript Confederate censor "Examined R.D. Senn, Capt Gd." marking at top with additional manuscript "Politeness of J.H. Fowler" at bottom left, Very Fine and attractive, Carried out by J.H. Fowler, who was an exchanged Chaplin.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $290

Confederacy, Richland Jail, Columbia S.C., prisoner of war cover to Hartford, Vt., manuscript "Soldiers Letter De Witt Clinton A.D.C" endorsement top, a CSA stamp was applied (which was later removed, most probably by censor) and cancelled by blue "Columbia, S.C. Feb 12" cds, pencil CSA censor "Exd Capt W.S." (Capt. William Shiver) with additional penciled "Due 3", postmarked "Old Point Comfort, Va. Mar 8" double circle with "Due 3" straight line handstamp, additional manuscript "from Prisoner of War Columbia S,C." at bottom left, couple small hidden faults, still Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $240

Confederacy, Richland Jail, Columbia, S.C., prisoner cover to Sgt. Major of the 76th Penna. Vols in Port Royal, S.C., addressed in care of Genl. Winder at Richmond Va., with "Old Point Comfort, Va., Feb 23" 1864 cds and matching "Due 3" rating handstamp, manuscript "Prisoner of War Letter, For Flag of Truce" endorsement at top, manuscript "Exd, R.D. Senn, Comd Gd" examiner's marking, Very Fine, a rare usage from Richland Jail, with 39 cover recorded in Harrison.Estimate $400 - 600.
Letter was from Lt. Charles L. Bittinger from Company D of the 76th Pennsylvania Infantry. Bittinger was wounded and captured at Gettysburg and sent to Richland Jail in Columbia, S.C.
Realized: $280

Confederacy, Roper Hospital, Charleston, S.C., prisoner of war cover with "U.S. Sanitary Commission" imprint, addressed to Topsham, Me. with original letter datelined "Roper Hospital Charleston S.C. Sept. 29 1864", franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65, minor flaw) with target cancel and postmarked "Annapolis, Md. Oct. 20 '64" double circle postmark, pencil notation "Misst & Fdd" upper left, postmarked "Brunswick, Me Oct 24" double circle as a forwarder, cover a bit ragged at right, Very Fine.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Carried by an exchanged Navy POW and put in the mail at Annapolis, Md. on Oct 22, 1864.
Letter with interesting content, "This building is occupied by a large number of officers on parole, we are confined to the building and grounds around. I have been here only since Monday last, I was in the jail yard for 10 days previous… I gave a man here (a broker, blockade runner or both) a draft on you for twenty dollars in gold, he giving me one hundred dollars in Confederate money. We all acknowledged it to be a swindle but needed the money bad enough to be cheated considerable. There is a rumor tonight that we are to be moved into the country." The letter goes on requesting clothing and food staples.
Realized: $850

Confederacy, Roper Hospital, Charleston, S.C., manuscript "Lieut E.G. Spaulding Prisoner of War Charleston S.C." endorsement on cover to his wife in Port Huron, Mich., franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65), with target cancel with matching "Port Royal, S.C. Sep. 12 '64" double circle postmark alongside, manuscript "Exd HHR" (CSA censor Capt. Hugh Hamilton Rogers, Provost Marshal's Office), small corner cover repair upper right affecting stamp & postmark, some cover toning, Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

Confederacy, Scott's Warehouse Prison, Richmond, Va., red, white and blue bordered page taken from diary to make folded letter, addressed to Knox County, Ill., franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by segmented cork cancel with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Dec 19" double circle postmark, letter datelined "Richmond, Va, Dec 6th/63", letter ending with sender's return address, "Scott's Prison, Richmond, Va., By Way of Fortress Monroe", some trivial file fold separations, Very Fine, Illustrated on page 99, "Prisoners' Mail From The American Civil War" by Galen Harrison.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
In the report for November of 1863, over 1,000 prisoners were listed in this facility. Many of these prisoners were taken at the Battle of Chickamauga.
Theodore F. Whitney was one of those unfortunates. Letter to his mother includes the following, "You will see by the heading of this letter (Richmond, Va.) that the fortunes of war has made your Babe Son a prisoner of war. I was captured Sept. 19th at the Battle of Chickamauga" Whitney went on to list several other prisoners he thought his mother would know.
Realized: $800

Confederacy, Smith's Tobacco Warehouse Prison, Richmond, Va., brown wrapping paper (adversity usage) letter datelined "Richmond Virginia Dec 3rd, 1863" hand carried by an exchanged prisoner and entering the mail with a "Due 3" straight line and backstamped "Bellair, O. Dec 15" cds, although not endorsed as POW letter it was recognized as such and passed without penalty, two small black mounting marks on reverse, Very Fine, Only 2 known, Illustrated on page 100, "Prisoners' Mail From The American Civil War" by Galen Harrison.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Letter written in pencil by Cpl. David Smith, 2nd Ohio Inf. and datelined "Richmond, Virginia Dec. 2nd, 1863", who writes, "I take my pen in hand to drop you a few lines. I am well and a prisoner in Camp Libby Prison, we are kept in a large brick building… I see no prospect of getting away from here before spring, the Boys are all getting boxes of grub from home… I have no other paper but this and no envelopes." and concludes by giving his address as "Fourth Floor, Smith's Factory Camp, Libby Prison, Richmond Virginia"
Smith's Prison a small warehouse across the street from Scott's Prison and was a part of the Libby Prison complex.
Realized: $800