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Sale 123: The Civil War Sale

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Prisoner of War Covers, Northern Prisons

Lots 3167-3176 Lots 3177-3180

Lot 3167    

Confederacy, Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md., cover from Confederate Prisoner, Pvt, William P. Berry, Co. K 30th Va. Inf. to Baltimore, Md., franked with U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied on small cover by target with "Point Lookout, Md. Aug. 24" double circle postmark alongside, manuscript Censor's endorsement, "Major A.G. Brady U.S.A. Point Lookout" (Allen G. Brady) at top, included is original letter datelined "Prisoners Camp Co A 7th Div. Point Lookout. Aug 26/64", letter completely transcribed, parts include "It would not be allowed to receive them (according to orders lately issued)…. I have hope of not being sent to another prison…", Very Fine.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Wm. Berry enlisted on 5/20/61 as private, promoted to Cpl. on 10/18/61, wounded 9/16/62 (left arm, captured same date), exchanged, captured again (7/21/63), promoted to Sgt. (7/15/63) paroled on 5/1/65.

Realized: $170

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Lot 3168    

Confederacy, Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md., two incoming covers to prisoner of war in Camp Hoffman, first is used from Baltimore on repaired cover with red embossed circular corner card for Adams Express Company, franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65) with manuscript examined "L" at the prison, second from New Orleans on 3¢ entire (corner faults) to Prisoner who was captured 5 times throughout the war, interesting manuscript "Contraband" endorsement, Fine, despite the defects an interesting pair of covers.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $160

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Lot 3169    

Confederacy, Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md., small incoming cover addressed to "Mr. James S. Pavy, Prisoner of War, Point Lookout Md.", postmarked blue Bowling Green, Va. cds with trace of CSA stamp which has been removed (as per regulations) at top left leaving gum stain, franked with USA 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by quartered cork cancel with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Jan. 18" double circle postmark at left, manuscript "Ex. M.J." censor marking alongside, red manuscript "Dec. 24/64 Lucie E Frank" to indicate not delivered, blue crayon "P", Very Fine and unusual.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $170

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Lot 3170    

Confederacy, Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md., exceptionally attractive cover with printed "U.S. Christian Commission Soldiers Letter" corner card, addressed to Washington, D.C., franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by target with "Point Lookout, Md. Apr 24 1865" double circle postmark alongside, included is original enclosure to his uncle asking for help, interesting reading "I take this method of informing you that I am a prisoner of war at this point. I was captured at Hatche's Run near Petersburgh, Va. on the 25 March last and brought to this place….I lost all my clothing when I was captured and am somewhat destitute for necessary things.", Very Fine.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Point Lookout, Md. Point Lookout prison, officially known as Camp Hoffman, was located at the southern tip of St. Mary's County. Established shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg, it was designed to hold a total of 10,000 prisoners. It consisted of two fenced enclosures, one of ten and one of 23 acres. A plank fence about 15 feet high extended around the enclosure. Officers were kept in a separate enclosure from enlisted men. The prisoners' only shelter consisted of tents.

Realized: $800

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Lot 3171    

Confederacy, Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md., mostly clear strike of "Prisoner's Letter, Aug 8, 1864, Examined" octagon handstamp (CSA type C, EKU) on cover bearing U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by four-ring cancel duplexed with "Point Lookout Md. Aug 8 '64" cds and 1863, 10¢ greenish blue (12c), large margins, tied by "Richmond, Va., Aug 24" cds, addressed to Eagle Falls N.C., endorsed "Via Flag of Truce" at left; some light toning and stains, Fine and scarce combination use.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

According to Galen Harrison's book, this is the earliest strike of the "Prisoner's Letter, Examined" type c handstamp. We offered a second example of this EKU date in our Sale 92, lot 2472.

Realized: $750

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Lot 3172    

Confederacy, Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md. "Turned Cover", outer envelope from prisoner interned in Camp Hoffman, Point Lookout, Md. with the only address "By Flag of Truce via Fortress Monroe, Virginia", franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65, defective) tied by target cancel with "Point Lookout, Md. Feb 8" (1864) cds at bottom left, additional large oval "Approved J.N. Patterson Capt. & Provost Marshal, Point Lookout, Md." censor's handstamp, cover turned and used to Manchester, S.C., franked with CSA 1863-64 10¢ blue (11) tied by Richmond, Va., docketed "M.T. Clarke, May 1864" on inside, Very Fine, Signed "P.A. Kaufman" in pencil on backflap.
Estimate    $2,000 - 3,000.


This outer envelope should have been destroyed but instead it was reused a second time. C.S. Navy Lt. Maxwell T. Clarke commanding the "C.S.S. Roanoke" was assigned to make Flag of Truce runs between Richmond and City Point. Clarke salvaged this envelope that should have been destroyed and used it to write to his sister.

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Lot 3173    

Confederacy, Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind., two covers from Pvt. Thomas C. Ryall, Co. F. 41st. Tenn Inf., both to his father in Shelbyville Tenn. and franked with 1861, 3¢ rose, first with 3¢ with target cancel and partial Indianapolis, Ind double circle postmark, manuscript censor "Examined F.H. Elvin P.M." (Provost Marshal); notation on reverse showing list of loans to five other prisoners for at total of $39.50, 2nd cover with 3¢ mailed after he escaped and was still at large, tied by indistinct Trenton, N.J. double circle postmark, with manuscript censor "Examined & apprvd G.W. Boggs Lieut. & Prov Mar." at Shelbyville, Very Fine, Provost Marshals regularly examined incoming mail to civilians of questionable loyalty.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $220

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Lot 3174    

Confederacy, Elmira Prison, Elmira, N.Y., prisoner U.S. 1861, 3¢ pink entire (U84) addressed to Ridgeway, S.C., canceled by "Elmira, N.Y., Jan 5" cds, with "Prisoners Letter, Examined, Elmira, N.Y." oval examiner's handstamp and manuscript "S. Gladden, Prisoner of War, Elmira N.Y." endorsement at top, Richmond, Va. cds with matching "Due 10" straight line handstamp; entire with horizontal crease and edge flaws, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $325

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Lot 3175    

Confederacy, Fort Warren, Boston, Mass., cover from Dr. Charles Macgill, a political prisoner imprisoned at Fort Warren to his wife in Hagerstown, Md, franked with two single 1861, 3¢ rose (65, small faults) tied by boxed "Paid" straight lines with red "Boston, Mass Apr. 18" double circle postmark at left, pencil "Refusal of Parole" notation indicating Dr. Macgill refused to take the oath of allegiance, some light cover staining, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $130

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Lot 3176    

Confederacy, Fort Warren, Boston, Mass., "Fort Warren No. 66 May 20th 1862" manuscript docketing from Severn Teackle Wallis (a member of Maryland Legislature) illegally arrested on Sept. 12, 1861 and sent to Fort Warren, cover addressed to his daughter in Baltimore, franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65, s.e.) tied by boxed "Paid" straight lines and red "Boston, Mass May 21" double circle postmark, small sealed tear at top, Very Fine.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Wallis was later released in late November 1862 without charges.

Realized: $450

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Lots 3167-3176 Lots 3177-3180

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