Confederacy, - Goldsborough, N.C. Stampless Cover Balance, of 34 covers; includes a host of various Paid handstamp including different "10" rate handstamps, circular "Due" handstamp with "10" handstamp inside, manuscript ratings, military postage dues including usage from Brig. Gen. Howell Cobb, some official imprint covers, forwarding, etc.; condition varies.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $1,450

Confederacy, - Regular Issues Used To and From Goldsborough, N.C., of over 80 covers written-up on exhibit pages in binder; includes five #1 usages including sheet margin single on embossed ladies cover, four #2 usages including incoming with manuscript Little's Mills, N.C. postmark, couple cover fronts including tied by red Sparta, Ga. balloon type cds, fourteen #4 usages with two pairs uses, military forwarding, corner card imprint, etc., thirteen #6 usages including 6 pair usages, three singles on semi-official imprint O.B. cover, Due 5 and a #6+7 combination usage, 10 #7 usages mostly in pairs and the balance #11 & 12 usages with some interesting enclosures and a run of cover from the William Rose correspondence; condition varies.Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Realized: $4,250

Confederacy, - Goldsborough, N.C. Antebellum & Federal Occupation Balance, of 32 covers; includes 17 Antebellum items including manuscript and cds's in black and red, railroad usages including Wilmington & Raleigh Railroad cds's, one with top margin #10, N.C.R.R. cds on 3 Nesbitt to Goldsborough, Federal Occupation including military imprint and various usage including incoming; condition varies.Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $450

Confederacy, - Stampless Cover Balance, of approximately 75 covers mostly written-up on pages with interest research regarding postal markings, sender's & recipients, with many soldier's endorsed covers; with some better postmarks strikes including a Kingston, Ga. with and unusual unlisted "Due 5" with "U" and "5" sharing space vertically between "D" and "E", blue "Pattonsburg, Va." cds with "Paid" and "5" handstamps, choice 1861 Gordonsville, Va. cds, Okolona, Miss. cds with unusual boxed "Due 10" handstamp and additional "10" struck of cds upon arrival, Thomaston, Ga. cds, nice 1861 Port Lavaca cds, early 1861 Pine Bluff, Ark. cds, etc., nice range of ratemarkers, also a small group of 7 mostly more common currency notes; condition mixed, worth a look.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $2,600

Confederacy, - Cover Balance, of over 30 stamped covers; regular issue usages including #1 x3, #2 x2, #4, #5 x2, #13 with cert., and various #6-7 & #11-12 usages including few turned covers, overpaid drop rates, army grid & target usages including a Millway carrier endorsed, three U.S. used in Confederacy covers from Ala., S.C. & Ga., and three P.O.W. covers one from Johnson's Island and two from fort Delaware.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $2,500

Confederacy, - Adversity Cover Balance, of 17 covers, virtually all to and from Goldsborough, N.C.; including a couple stampless on blue line ledger paper, few #1 usages including one on a map, #4 on turned cover, #7 pair over U.S. 3¢ Nesbitt entire indicia, #7/12 turn cover combination and various #11-12 usages; condition varies.Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $1,050
Confederacy, - Patriotic Cover Balance, group of 5 covers, front and unused lettersheet; with three different Bonitz unused covers including Small Mounted Dragoons SM-2, Soldier SN-2 & Cannon & Flag CN-3 each with verse, lettersheet #CN-3 with verse, covers including Cannon & Flag with military address hand carried, red, whit and blue 10-Star stenciled flag on faulty cover from Goldsborough, N.C., and rebacked front with Mounted Dragoon franked with #4.Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $500
Lot 3188 P
Confederacy, - Proof Collection, interesting collection of mostly posthumous proofs and some facsimiles neatly displayed on pages in binder; includes a nice Scott #6P5 pair with cert and position identification from complete sheet photo, set of Dietz "Fac-Simile Die Proofs" as well as the host of Dietz printings from original De Le Rue altered plates including C.S.A. #U-2-3b, U-2-3a, U-2-2a, U-T-1, sheet from the Bermuda sheet Ward printing, unofficial, club and show sheets, etc.; and interesting assembly.Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $140

Confederacy, - Stamp Collection Balance, 1861-64, mint and used issues arranged on pages; includes #1 mint and used x3 (two with full margins), #2 wit Patterson mint & used, Hoyer mint and used x5, Stone Y x2 used, #3 mint and used, #4 mint and used with additional unused pair, #5 used x2, #6-7's with multiples including brass rule lines, mint white tie, #8 mint and used, #9 used, #11-12 includes plate no. imprint strips (4 different), #11e, various shades, etc., #13 used on piece and mint including margin single and block of 4, #14 x3, etc.; condition varies with overall attractive appearance throughout, Scott catalog in excess of $10,000.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $3,750

Confederacy, - Stamp Balance, nice array of issues arranged and identified on stock pages in binder; including Provisional issues including 62X2 unused & 62X4 x2 used, 58X2 x2 used, 56X2 unused and used pair on piece, 56X1, etc., regular issues with a host of printings and shades including #1 x3 mint and x6 used, #2 mint x3 and used x5, #3 mint x2 and used, #4 mint x6 and used x3, #5 mint and used x4, #8 used x7 including pair and mint x11 including block, #9 used, #13's mint including block of 6, #14's, and a host of #6-7 & 11-12's; condition varies with much material, also includes some additional items including a few unused Union patriotics.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $5,000