Confederacy, Spartanburg C.H., S.C. Feb 26, 1862, double circle postmark ties 1861-62 10¢ Blue (four margins, light corner crease) on cover to Mapleton, S.C., light cover wrinkling & small piece out of one sideflap, Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Confederacy, Spartanburg C.H. S.C. Apr. 4, circular datestamp on turned cover originally mailed from Spartanburg to Greenville (handstamped "Paid" on other side), carried back to Spartanburg and franked with 1863 2¢ Brown Red (8, Large margins), tied by Spartanburg C.H. S.C. Apr. 4 cds for the 2¢ drop rate, missing one flap & trivial cover tear, Very Fine and choice, a wonderful turned and drop rate usage, ex-Hall.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $900

Confederacy, (Spartanburg, S.C.), bold "Paid" straight line and "10" in circle on 1861 cover addressed to "Corpl Edward J. Dean, Spartan Rifles, 5th Palmetto Regt. S.C. Volunteers, Col. M. Jenkins Commander, Tudor Hall P.O. near Manassas Junction, Virginia", additional endorsement "Care Capt, Jos Walker Spartan Rifles" at bottom left, Interesting note on the inside flap, "I have a long letter written, but send you this instead. I think it will be 10 cts to you…Yesterday the 4th was a singularly cold gloomy day. We fear it was a day of battle, on which the sun veiled its face.", Extremely Fine.Estimate $500 - 750.
A large part of the Dean correspondence is franked with the famous Spartanburg Postmasters' Provisional adhesive. Is this a Postmasters' Provisional or a clerk who forgot to add the postmark?
Spartanburg, South Carolina, derives its name from the "Spartan Rifles", a militia group that served during the Revolutionary War. This name was later adopted by Confederate soldiers from Spartanburg during the Civil War.
Joseph Walker was appointed captain of the Spartan Rifles on April 13, 1861. Micah Jenkins, from Yorkville, South Carolina, was mustered into service as colonel of the 5th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment in June 1861.

Confederacy, Spartanburg, S.C. Oct 31 1863, 26mm double circle postmark and matching arc "Paid 10" on immaculate cover to Charlotte N.C. with printed oval corner card for Commission Merchant Charleston, Extremely Fine and attractive, ex-Hill & Oswald.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $325

Confederacy, Spartanburg, S.C. Mar 9, 1862, 26mm double circle with matching "Paid" handstamp and manuscript "2" on drop rate cover, Extremely Fine, Illustrated in 1986 Dietz Catalog.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $325

Confederacy, Spartanburg, S.C., double line cds on two covers; one with "Paid" handstamp and manuscript "10" to Edward J. Dean in Yorktown, Va. (was part of the "Spartan Rifles"), other with "Paid" and "10" in circle handstamp on same correspondence "Spartan Rifles" soldier's endorsed cover to Tudor Hall, near Manassas Junction, Va.; some flaws, F.-V.F., this correspondence is were most of the rare Spartanburg Postmaster's Provisionals come from.Estimate $150 - 200.
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Realized: $150

Confederacy, Spartanburg, S.C., double line cds on nine covers; rates including "Paid" and "5" handstamps in two different styles (one on embossed ladies cover), "Paid" and "5" in circle handstamps, "Paid" and "10" handstamps, "Paid" and "10" in circle handstamps, manuscript "Paid 10", soldier's letter with manuscript "due 10", and a 1861, 5¢ green (1) canceled by grid; some flaws, F.-V.F.Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $425

Confederacy, St. Matthews, S.C. Jul 25, blue 29mm cds with manuscript "5" rate on small ladies cover (flaps with scalloped edges) on cover to Sawyer's Mills, S.C., flap torn, Very Fine, attractive cover, scarce town, ex-Kohn & W. Fox, signed Kimbrough.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

Confederacy, St. Stephan's Depot, S.C. Oct. 11, manuscript postmark with "Paid 10" on adversity cover (ruled ledger paper) to Charleston S.C., addressed to "Gen. Wilmot DeSaussure", Extremely Fine, very attractive (Stets & Teal Rarity 7), ex-Kohn.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Confederacy, Strother (S.C.) Aug. 14, 1861, manuscript postmark with "P 5" rate on lengthy folded letter from William S. Lyle to F.W. Pickens, Governor of South Carolina in Columbia, letter with interesting content discussing subjects of guns and arms in great detail, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Governor Francis Wilkinson Pickens was a long serving political figure in South Carolina and was governor in the first part of the war. William Strother Lyles was a doctor and surgeon in Fairfield District, Oaks Plantation. He was a signer of the Ordinance of Secession and member of the legislature.
Realized: $150