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Sale 123: The Civil War Sale

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South Carolina Town Postmarks - Walhalla to Zeno & Town Balance

Lots 2455-2464 Lots 2465-2474 Lots 2475-2476

Lot 2455    

Confederacy, Walhalla, S.C., June 21, manuscript postmark with "paid 10" rate on handsome wallpaper cover addressed to Jas. E. Hagood Esq., CC (Clerk of Court), Pickens C.H., S.C., Very Fine and choice, ex-Weatherly, Green & Littlejohn.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $450

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Lot 2456    

Confederacy, Walhalla, S.C., 25mm cds on two covers from correspondence to Pickens C.H., S.C.; one with boxed "Paid" and manuscript "5" rate (1861 enclosure), and light strike tying 1861, 5¢ green (1), also a manuscript postmark on cover with manuscript "Paid 10" rate and 1864 enclosure (edge staining at left), F.-V.F.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Realized: $220

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Lot 2457    

Confederacy, Walterborough, S.C. Oct. 15, cds (no year date) with handstamps "PAID" straight line & "10" (Dietz Type IB) on embossed ladies cover addressed to Miss Louisa Gibbes, Flat Rock, No. Car., Very Fine and attractive, a charming little cover, ex-Kohn, Littlejohn.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $210

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Lot 2458    

Confederacy, Walterborough, S.C., 30mm cds on three covers; one with "Paid" straight line and "5" rate handstamps and slave sale docketing…"Sale of 1862, Margaret & child for $1,400 - advanced him $600 of it & note for balance" (missing backflap), another with straight line "Paid" handstamp and manuscript "20" rate (cover tears & missing backflap), and brownish red strike tying 1863, 10¢ blue (12) on turned cover to Medical Purveyors Office in Charleston, S.C. with manuscript "O.B." endorsement at top left, inside usage with "Charleston, S.C." cds and "Paid 10" in circle handstamp, to surgeon at Danner's X Roads, S.C. with manuscript "Medical Purveyor's Office, Charleston, S.C., Official" endorsement, F.-V.F.; the latter with 1992 B. Green certificate.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

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Realized: $200

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Lot 2459    

Confederacy, Warrenton, S.C. 2 Oct., manuscript town cancel and "Paid 5 cts" on small cover to Orrville PO, S.C., barely reduced at left, light hint on cover toning, otherwise Very Fine (Stets & Teal Rarity 7), ex-Kohn, Cantey.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $100

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Lot 2460    

Confederacy, Well Ridge, S.C. Oct. 11, hand drawn balloon type cds and matching hand drawn arc "Paid" in circle, additional manuscript "Paid 5" at upper right on lovely embossed small cover to Ridgeway, S.C., minor soiling on reverse, Very Fine.
Estimate    $500 - 750.


Realized: $1,700

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Lot 2461    

Confederacy, Well Ridge, S.C. 17th April (1862), manuscript postmark with "Pd 5" rate on a small cover addressed to Miss H. M. Coleman, Ridgeway, Fairfield Dist., S. C., some minor soiling, still Very Fine (Stets & Teal Rarity 8).
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $110

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Lot 2462    

Confederacy, Well Ridge, S.C. Sept. 10 (1861), manuscript postmark with "Paid 5ct." on small cover to Miss Hattie Coleman, Ridgeway, Fairfield District, S. Carolina, slightly reduced at right, still Very Fine, a very scarce town (Stets & Teal Rarity 8).
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $110

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Lot 2463    

Confederacy, Whetstone, S.C., 2 covers each with original enclosure from same correspondence addressed to Pickens C.H., S.C., first cover (1861) with manuscript "Free, Abel Robins P.M." (Whetstone) free frank at upper right, second with manuscript town postmark dated 1st Febry (1862) with "5 Paid", corner repair lower right, Very Fine, very rare town (Stets & Teal Rarity 9), both ex-Cantey.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lot 2464    

Confederacy, Whippy Swamp, S.C. August 2 (1861), manuscript postmark and "Paid 5cts" on cover to Fort Gains Ga., slight staining, F.-V.F. (Stets & Teal Rarity 7), with extensive research to verify the year date, signed Kimbrough.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Wm. Harrison enlisted in Co, 5, Georgia State Troops on 10/16/61, discharged 3/13/62 and later re-enlisting in Co. F, 32nd Geo. Inf. on 8/25/62 serving throughout the war and surrendering with his unit on 4/26/65.

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Lots 2455-2464 Lots 2465-2474 Lots 2475-2476

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