Presidential coil cover balance. Approximately 60 covers and cards, various usages and frankings including overseas usages to North Borneo, India, Honduras, Iceland, Congo Belge, Uruguay, etc., Portugal mixed franking, various auxiliary markings, postage due, airmail special delivery, officially sealed, etc., ideal for the specialist. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300
Presidential coil issues on cover. 11 cover and tag; including 3¢ on multicolored ad, usage to Bombay, India, 2¢ pair on 4th class mailing, etc. Estimate $30 - 40.
Realized: $46
Presidential cover accumulation. 69 covers and cards, includes a complete set of FDC's to the $5, mixed country frankings with usages in combination with China, G.B., Canal Zone, Germany and Australia stamps, perfins including registered, foreign usages including Israel, Japan, Norway, Belgian Congo, Holland, Australia, Lebanon, D.W.I., Pakistan, etc., other interesting forwarding usages, a nice group of the specialist. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $350
Presidential cover balance, 1939-56. Over 50 covers, cards and postal tags, nice range of usages throughout including parcel tags, one with $5 strip of 3 and others, register including one to Hong Kong, other foreign, special delivery, wrapper, 4th class mail, etc., condition mixed, worth inspection. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170
Presidential foreign destination covers, 1940-57. 48 covers and cards; nice range of usages and frankings with destinations including, New Zealand, French Cameroun, Romania, Peru, Paraguay, Sudan, Samoa, South Africa, many to Europe, etc., interesting forwarding usages, mixed frankings, mixed condition, ideal for the specialist. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $290
Presidential foreign rate cover group, 1938-54. 19 covers and cards and one parcel franking on piece; including 1940's usages to Venezuela, Argentina, Jamaica, A.P.O. registered to Hawaii, various Germany, Martinique returned (air mail test), $1 block of 4 on FDC to Canada, China with return label, Turkey, etc. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $110
Presidential single franking usages on cover. Group of 23 covers and 7 cards; nice range of usages including 1½¢ 4th class, 3¢ from Samoa, 5¢ usages to Shanghai, Baden American Zone, Egypt, etc., 6¢ coil A.P.O. usage from New Guinea, 10¢ usage from Puerto Rico to Switzerland, 20¢ registered rate to Korea, 25¢ rate to Cameroun, etc., a nice group of the specialist. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $240
Real photo postcards, 1930-50's. Over 90 mint & used postcards, various including buildings, group photos, ships, trains, city main streets, San Francisco, Nevada, Alaska, etc. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $270
Rocket mail cover collection. 38 covers, various miniature sheets and other rocket collateral material, with miniature 1935 Newark experimental post rocket cover, three 1936 Greenwood Lake first American rocket airplane flight covers, Mexico Rio Grande rocket crossing to Magic Valley 7th July 1936, miniature sheets of 4 in blue and red (125 printed in each color) for the 1935 'first American mail rocket flight', rare Barbero 8th July Mayport Missile mail and another one, with a blue cachet to England, possibly making this the first official International transatlantic missile mail, 1957 Topaz rocket flight to California and lots of others from the late 1950s, early 60s, inc Mexico and UN combinations., Regulus missile issue with endorsement 'recovered August 25th 1961 from Fields Pond Swamp', 'damaged by rocket failure' on 1964 flights from Glendale, etc. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,800
Space covers, 1960-70's. 5 covers, 2 from Germany, 3 from US, with Major Robert Wright NASA X-15 new altitude record, scarce (only 6 exist) of the Apollo 13 blastoff with A/11 error of Earth eclipsing the moon Cape Canaveral 1970, Edwards Air Force base X-15 pilot Rushworth 1963 flight, 2 Walter M Schirra blue and purple vignettes from Germany celebrating project 'Mercury'. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $190