Antigua, Paid at Antigua. Red crown handstamp on 1862 cover to Brooklyn, N.Y., red crayon "4" pence rate, "Antigua, Oc 11, 62" origin and reverse with St. Thomas transit cds, "Steamship 10" in circle handstamp applied upon arrival in New York, with additional "Advertised 1 Cent" straight line handstamp, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375

Lot 978 o
New South Wales, 1850, 1d red on yellowish wove. Light barred oval cancel, mostly large margins to just touching at bottom left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 2 $485.SG No. 8 £300 ($471).
Realized: $160

Lot 979 o
New South Wales, 1850, 2d blue on yellowish wove. Plate 1, late impression, bottom margin single, bar cancel, clear to huge margins showing guidelines on three side, Very Fine.Scott No. 3 $275.
Realized: $160

Lot 980 o
New South Wales, 1850, 2d Prussian blue, "CREVIT" omitted. Plate II, late impression, neat barred oval and portion of manuscript cancels, large even margins, deep rich color, Extremely Fine, a beauty. Scott No. 5c $1,000.SG No. 21g £400 ($628).
Realized: $525

Lot 981 o
New South Wales, 1850, 2d ultramarine on greyish wove. Plate V, barred oval cancel, large to huge margins, bold color, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott No. 8 $275.SG No. 37 £140 ($220).
Realized: $105

New South Wales, 1852-53, 1d red, horizontal pair + 3d green. Margins with pair little short at right, tied by light "64" barred oval handstamps on 1853 folded letter sheet to Bristol, England paying the 5d inland rate, additional oval handstamps applied in Sydney, manuscript "8" pence due from private ship letter, reverse with "West Maitland, Jy 21" origin and appropriate transit date stamps; cover edge wear, F.-V.F. Scott No. 13+17 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450

New South Wales, 1851-52, 1d brick red, horizontal pair. Tied by barred oval handstamps on folded letter sheet to Maitland, reverse with "Sydney, Au 16, 1852" rimless cds and "West Maitland, Au 17, 1852" oval date stamp; sheet missing side flaps and left stamp with pre-use crease not mentioned on certificate, otherwise F.-V.F.; with 1986 R.P.S. certificate. Scott No. 13c. SG No. 48 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $375

New South Wales, 1852-55, 2d blue, plate III + 3d emerald. Canceled by "55" bared oval handstamp paying the inland rate on 1854 cover to Lanark, Scotland, matching "Newcastle, Au 2, 1854" rimless cds and red "C.R." handstamp of the Caledonian railroad, manuscript "8" pence due and blue box receiving date stamp, appropriate transit backstamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 16+17a Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425

Lot 985 o
New South Wales, 1853, 8d yellow. Barred oval cancel, clear to ample margins, bright color, F.-V.F. Scott No. 20 $950.SG No. 79 £600 ($942).
Realized: $350

New South Wales, 1854, 6d gray lilac + 1sh pale red brown. In combination with 1856, 3d green paying the 21d rate on 1859 cover to Cockermouth, England, all tied by N.S.W. oval handstamps, "Emeu via Marseilles" routing and reverse with "Sydney, New South Wales, Oc 13, 1859" rimless cds and light receiving postmark, F.-V.F., an attractive 3-color franking. Scott No. 29+31+34 Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $575