Prussia, 1850, 6pf red orange, two singles, two pairs and strip of four + 3sgr black on orange buff. All tied by "103" numeral target cancels on oversized registered cover to Ischel, Austria, sent to Baron August Heydt who was from 1848 to 1862 the Prussian Minister of Trade and franked correspondence from this time period are very rare; rebacked cover wear and tears, Fine appearance; with 1999 Flemming certificate. Michel No. 1+4b. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,050


Prussia, 1850, 3sgr black on yellow. Left margin block of 4 with row imprints, o.g., never hinged, ample to large margins, Very Fine. Scott No. 5. Michel No. 4a €1,800 for 2 o.g. strips ($2,466).
Realized: $230


Prussia, 1859, 6pf orange. Left margin block of 4 with row imprints, o.g., never hinged, full margins, bright color, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 10. Michel No. 13a €2,100 for o.g. ($2,877).
Realized: $575

Prussia, 1858, 1sgr rose. Left margin block of 8 with row imprints, o.g., one top stamp hinged, others never hinged, ample to large margins, bright and fresh, Very Fine. Scott No. 11. Michel No. 10a €1,000 for o.g. blocks of 4 ($1,370).
Realized: $280

Prussia, 1861, 2sgr ultramarine + 3sgr bister. Tied by "Herzberg, 6/11, 67" boxed date stamp on embossed ladies cover to Bex, Switzerland, exchange rate notations tying, with various transit and receiving backstamps; cover wax seal tone spot, F.-V.F. Scott No. 18+19 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $290

Prussia, 1586-1882 Prussia Postal History Exhibition Collection. 44 covers mounted on annotated display pages; mostly 1820-60's stampless letters with a majority to France, including 1586 folded letter from Schlesien to mayor in Sprottau, 1820-50's letters to France from various towns including Breslau, Elbing, Stettin, Magdeburg, Memel, Koenigsberg, Danzig and Belin, showing various town postmarks and some "C.P.R." handstamp rayon rates (Correspondence Prusse Rayon), also a section of 1830-60's Russia to France letters showing various Prussian transit and accountancy postmarks; a nice selection covers with clear readable postmarks the rule, Very Fine overall. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,200

Prussia, 1774-1922 Prussia Foreign Incoming Cover Collection. 32 covers or cards mounted on annotated display pages; with early 1672 Greenberg / Odenwald - Hessen letter and 1774 Thurn & Taxis Post to Heilbronn, 1832 Bristol, England letter with red "England over Rotterdam" routing handstamp, various turn-of-the-century postal card and cover usages from Latin America including Peru 1894 certified cover to Halle with Sc. #118-127 (11-color franking), also a reference section of area postmarks on cut squares or cut-outs, F.-V.F. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $675

Prussia, 1826-71 Prussia Postal History Exhibition Collection. 47 cover or cards mounted on annotated display pages; includes section of ca. 1870's Feldpost cancels of various Prussian Divisions and Corps, including correspondence cards, military cachet on 1826 folded letter Erfurt to Halle., various town postmarks from areas including Brandenburg, Westpreusen and Berlin; with clear postmarks strikes the rule, Very Fine overall. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $500

Prussia, 1830-70's Prussia Provinces Collection. 33 covers mounted on annotated display pages; various provinces including Pommern with Treptow, Rheinland, Westfalen, Schlesien with 1860's Maywaldau box date stamp, also includes 1820-70's registry money receipts and postal insinuations, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $600

Prussia, 1850-60 Prussia Exhibition Collection. Over 180 mostly used stamps and 66 franked covers or postal entires of the King Fredrick William IV issues mounted on display pages; 1850-56 issues mint with shades and used with a section of over 75 issues with central ring numeral cancels, including 1sgr tied on piece with red "1748" ring of Cõln, other better numerals include Kyllburg "775" and Wilhelmstein "1639", some multiples, etc., some nice town usages on cover and a strong array of mint and used postal stationery including better 1851 issue large format mint entires as well as used including indicia shades, parcel usages, 1852 entires including better used 5sgr & 7sgr entires, 1864 reprints (both sizes) and used 1853 entires including 3sgr usage to Barcelona and Luxembourg, uprated usages, selection of regular issue 1857 & 1858 issues with choice used issues, a very fine cover to Holland from Hoenter bearing 1857 1sgr strip + 2sgr pair, etc.; a lovely collection with select material throughout. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,250