Mexico, 1828-1914 Aguascalientes Collection. 22 covers or cards and 40 stamps on display pages; including selection of 1820-50's stampless and turn of the century postal entires, stamps mostly 1874-80 issue with various denominations and cons. from both district numbers (3 & 52), few covers including some later franked usages; condition various, F.-V.F. Estimate $250 - 300.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Chiapas. 2 horizontal pairs, manuscript canceled and tied on large piece by blue Comitan town cancels (Schatzkes 120), Very Fine. Scott No. 1 Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Mazatlan. Fine vertical strip of 4 with margins to just in, on 1857 folded letter sheet canceled by two strikes of "S. Ignacio" boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 768), Very Fine, a very rare usage of this cancellation from this small town, with another known on a front of lesser quality than this; signed J.K. Bash. Scott No. 1 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $700

Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, horiz pair + 4r red + 8r red lilac, Mexico. Tied by indistinct Diligencias oval cancels on 1859 stagecoach cover paying the 13 reales rate to Guadalajara; cover with some faint toning, F.-V.F., very rare and one of the most colorful covers of the issue; with 2007 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 1+4+5 Estimate $2,000 - 2,500.
Realized: $1,700

Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Mexico. Tied on 1861 circular to Durango, not accepted and additional ½r blue + 2r yellow green applied, tied by indistinct circular handstamps, F.-V.F. Scott No. 1 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Orizava. Large margin horizontal strip of 4 tied by Orizava box date stamp cancels on reverse of 1861 folded letter to Mexico City, Very Fine, a choice on cover multiple. Scott No. 1 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

Lot 1596 o
Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Polotitlan. Without district overprint, Polotitlan oval date stamp (Schatzkes 1145), large margins to just into scroll at lower right, bright color, small thin in bottom margin, otherwise Very Fine, extremely rare from the very short only direct shipment (NF $1,250); with 2000 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 1 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,200

1597 (
Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Tampico, strip of 5 and single. All tied by Santa Anna de Tamaulipas cds's (Schatzkes 1585) on legal size cover front from U.S. Consular in Tampico to U.S. Consul in Mexico City, embossed consular seal at bottom left, F.-V.F., mail from foreign governments in classic period are rare, approximately 10 to 20 strips of 5 or 6 of the 1856 ½r are known, ex Gutierrez, O. Rodriguez. Scott No. 1 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $675

Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Temascaltepec. 2 singles, tied on small piece by Mexico diligencias cancel (Schatzkes 830), district overprints cut into, Fine; with 2003 MEPSI certificate stating not certain of the district overprints. Scott No. 1 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

Lot 1599 o
Mexico, 1856, ½r blue, Tepeji del Rio. Mexico district overprint, horizontal pair, red straight line "Tepexi De Rio" cancel (Schatzkes 1617), Fine, a very fine single sold in our last auction for $1,000+ (NF$ 700); with 2007 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 1 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $725