1839 New York, N.Y. to Naples, Italy. Folded letter with red oval Gilpin's Exchange Reading Room forwarder handstamp on the reverse, "Bristol Ju 27 1839" transit cds, partial "London 28 Jun 1839" transit cds, and red "Napoli 13 Lug 1839" receiving cds on the reverse. "Bristol Ship Letter" & "Paid At Bristol" handstamps, red Calais entry cds, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

1843-52 Transatlantic Mail to Europe. 3 covers; to France or Switzerland, St. Louis to Bern 1849, New York to Paris, with forwarding to Switzerland with French "Trouvé à la Boite" handstamp, and New Orleans to Havre 1843 with a handstamp orange "Packet Letter.", variety of rates and accountancy markings, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $135

1843-52 Transatlantic Mail to Europe. 2 covers; Italy (1860) and France (1870). 1860 cover from Torino, Italy via Boston (Boston Dec cds with "42" cents due handstamp), probably per Inman Line steamer Kangaroo, dep Liverpool 19-DEC, Queenstown 29-Dec, arriving NY 31-Dec., 2nd cover from Paris with Munroe & Co. oval & scarce French oval "FR/2F" accountancy marking, along with "New York Feb 28" & "20 U.S. Notes Depreciated Currency" marking, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150

1853 New York, N.Y. to Lisbon, Portugal. Folded letter sheet with via Liverpool forwarder, "New York Mar 1" cds with a "10" cents debit to G.B. for U.S. inland, partial red "Liverpool Mr 14 1853" cds, blue double line oval "Kunhardt, Arends & Co., Liverpool" forwarder handstamp and blue "700" due handstamp, manuscript "2/" crossed through (paid by the Liverpool forwarder), and red "1/9" (letter rate Southampton - Portugal) in the upper left corner, greenish "America Liverpool Mr14 53" cds, and Lisboa receiver on the reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75

1855 New York, N.Y. to Antwerp, Belgium. Cover with "N. Nork Am. Pkt. Jan 24" cds with a "23" cents debit to Prussia, which has been cancelled by a circular grid cancel, framed "Not Paid" handstamp, with manuscript "7" decimes due, and red double line "Outre - Mer Havre 1 Mars 55" French entry cds. Black "Paris 2 Mars 55" transit, double line "France Par Quievrain No. 5 3 Mars." transit and partial Anvers receiving cds's on the reverse, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $75

1858 Charleston, S.C. to Tarragona, Spain. Folded letter with "Charleston S.C. Dec 31 1858" cds, matching "Paid", and manuscript "21" cents, manuscript "por "Asia" routing upper left corner, partial red "New York Paid Jan 5, 18" cds, with red grid canceling the cds, with red "New-York Br. Pkt Jan 5" cds substituted above, red "B H London Ja 17 59" transit cds, Espana transit cds and double line "Tarragona 22 Ene 59" receiving cds on the reverse, black handstamp "4 Rs." due, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $350

1860 New Orleans, France to Brugg, Switzerland. Folded printed matter franked with 1857 1¢ pair (scissors cut, miscut) tied by partial "New Orleans" cds paying the correct 2¢ printed matter rate, postmarked with red French entry double circle & four different red crayon rate markings, Carried per Cunard Line steamer Europa, departing Boston 25-Jan, arriving Queenstown 4-Feb, Very Fine. Scott No. 24 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $300

1860 New York, N.Y. to Antwerp, Belgium. Folded letter sheet with "N. York Br. Pkt. Jun 20 40" cds, manuscript "Africa" and "Belgian Mails", "40" cents debit to Belgium in the New York cds represents 20 cents per half ounce for 5 cents U.S. inland, and 15 cents sea postage for a letter weighing between half and one ounce. manuscript "28" decimes due, "Br. Packet" handstamp, "Etats Par Ostende 11-M 3 - 7 60" transit cds, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $115

1861 Cover to Italy. Franked with 1861 30¢ orange (small corner crease) & cancelled by cross hatch grid (two strikes of normal grid) with neat Paris, Ky. double circle postmark at left, addressed to Florence with 11 different backstamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 71 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $325

1872-73 Transatlantic Mail to Europe. 5 covers; 4 to France and to Livorno, Italy, various New York Br. transit cds's, England accountancy markings and due rates, one is of Havana origin with "GB 3F60c" accountancy marking in diamond, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $280