Lot 1274 o
Baden, 1862, 30kr yellow orange. Neat town cancel, rich bright color, Very Fine and choice, a lovely used high value; signed Richter. Scott No. 25a $2,200.Michel No. 22a €2,800 ($3,836).
Realized: $400

Bavaria, 1849, 1kr black, plate I. O.g., hinge remnant, ample to large margins, Very Fine. Scott No. 1. Michel No. 1 Ia €1,300 ($1,781).
Realized: $375

Bavaria, 1920, 20pf on 3pf brown on grayish whie paper, Type II Overprint, Bottom Margin Pair. In combination with 1919, 20pf + 5pf dark blue (Mi. 173A) on registered cover to Leipzig, canceled by "Erlangen, 22 Feb, 20" cds's, registry etiquette and receiving backstamp, Very Fine, a very scarce on cover usage; with 2008 A.P.S. certificate. Michel No. 177IIxa; €1,100 single on cover ($1,507) Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $160

Lot 1277 o
Bavaria, 1854, 18kr yellow. Corner margin single, numeral "145" cogwheel cancel, clear margins, tiny margin nick at silk thread, otherwise Extremely Fine; with 2010 F. Stegmuller certificate. Scott No. 8.Michel No. 7 €240 ($329).
Realized: $160

Hamburg, 1859, 1sch brown. Two singles, just tied by blue bar cancels on cover to Lubeck, matching indistinct Hamburg oval date stamp at top; cover with minor edge tone spots, F.-V.F. Scott No. 2. Michel No. 2 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $950

1279 (
Hanover, 1856, 3pf rose & gray. Without gum, ample to large margins, fresh, Very Fine; with 1986 P.F. certificate. Michel No. 8b. Scott No. 9a $325.
Realized: $45

Württemberg, 1861, 9kr claret on thin paper. Intact perfs all around, tied by "Stuttgart, 27 Jun, 1862" cds on registered cover, red "Chargé" box handstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 27a. Michel No. 19by Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $250

Lot 1281 o
Württemberg, 1867, 18kr orange yellow. Rouletted, neat Stuttgart town cancel, perfectly centered, rich radiant color, Superb, rarely encountered in such exceptional condition; signed Senf, Bühler, with 2006 Irtenkauf certificate. Scott No. 46.Michel No. 34 €1,500 ($2,055).
Realized: $550

Württemberg, 1863, 9kr yellow brown + 18kr orange. Tied by "Stuttgart, 11 Nov, 1865" cds's on cover to Puebla, Mexico forwarded to Teziutlan and Tulancinco, endorsed "via Paris, St. Nazaire, Vera Cruz" at lower left, red "Pd." in oval and manuscript "wf 24" rate for beyond the border, red French and reverse with Heidelberg - Basel transit cds's, "½" reales handstamp for special foreign soldiers rate; cover with minor edge wear and stamps with small expertly repaired corners, Very Fine appearance, an extraordinary and rare usage to a foreign soldier in combat with the troops of Maximilian. Michel No. 28b+29 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $3,500

Germany, 1923, 100th on 100m dark grey purple. Block of 4, town cancels, F.-V.F. Michel No. 289A €560 for singles ($767).
Realized: $45