Germany, Semi-Official Airmail, 1912, 10pf "E. EL. P.". O.g., never hinged, small pre-printing paper wrinkle not mentioned on certificate, fresh and F.-V.F.; with 1990 A. Rendon certificate. Michel No. V €2,200 ($3,014).
Realized: $425

Germany, Airmail, 1928, 2m Zeppelin Friedrichshafen-Jerusalem Flight. Lovely Roessler cachet, addressed to Palestine, adhesive cancelled by Friedrichshafen cds, with red "Orientfahrt" flight cachet alongside; Jerusalem 27 MR 29 receiver on reverse, Very Fine and rare. Michel No. 423. Sieger No. 23.f). Scott No. C36 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $450

Germany, Airmail, 1928, 4m Zeppelin Worldflight Friedrichshafen-Tokio. Franked with 4m Zeppelin, tied by 16.8.1929 On Board cancel, with red Flight cachet and black Osaka receiver, Very Fine and attractive. Michel No. 424. Sieger No. 30.Ba). Scott No. C37 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $115

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m-4m So. America Flight Zeppelins Complete. Watermark upright, o.g., never hinged, both Post Office fresh, rich colors, Very Fine; with 2009 M. Eichele certificate. Scott No. C38-C39 vars. Michel No. 438X-439X €4,000 ($5,480).
Realized: $500

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m-4m So. America Flight Zeppelins Complete. O.g., hinge remnants, matched centering, Very Fine. Michel No. 438-439. Scott No. C38-C39 $480.
Realized: $170

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m-4m So. America Flight Zeppelins Complete. 2m single and 4m two singles, tied by "Friedrichshafen, May 18, 1930" cds on cover to Akron O., signatures including two of the Zeppelin Captains and Knut Eckener (son of Hugo Eckener), red German flight cachet and Lakehurst backstamp, Very Fine. Michel No. 438-439. Scott No. C38-C39 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $270

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m-4m So. America Flight Zeppelins Complete. 2m pair & 4m single, on flown cover, Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst, with 18.5.30 cds, red Südamerikafahrt cachet and green Lakehurst receiver on reverse; cover and stamps fresh & clean, Choice Very Fine. Michel No. 438-439. Scott No. C38-C39 $900 as stamps.
Realized: $260

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m (2) + 4m South America Flight Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst. Adhesives tied by Friedrichshafen cds, red flight cachet and green Lakehurst receiver on reverse, file fold at left & couple scuffs on reverse none affecting the stamps, F.-V.F. Sieger No. 57N. Scott No. C38 + C39 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $350

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m + 4m Vertical Pair, So. America Flight Zeppelin. Tied by purple "Luftschiff, Graf Zeppelin, 91.5.1930" on board cds's on oversized cover with "Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation" corner card, red German flight cachet handstamp and Lakehurst backstamp; slight cover toning at right, F.-V.F. Scott No. C38+C39 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $210

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m So. America Flight Zeppelin. Two singles, tied by "Berlin, 19.5.30" cds's on pristine flight cover to Sevilla via Tenerife, red German flight cachet handstamps and receiving backstamps, Very Fine and choice. Michel No. 438. Sieger No. 57Q. Scott No. C38 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210