Lot 1677 o
Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Aguascalientes. Imperf, cons. 36-69, tied on small piece by unlisted manuscript "Franco Aguascalientes" cancel, large margins, Extremely Fine.Scott No. 61 Estimate $60 - 80.
Realized: $60

1678 (
Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Chiapas. Imperf, cons. 28-70, Habilitado overprinted with the second district name Veracruz, without gum, Very Fine. Scott No. 61 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, half used as 12c, Colima. Imperf, district 11 overprint (probably 1871), diagonally bisected and tied by circular Colima handstamp (Schatzkes 181) on 1871 folded letter sheet to Tepic, commercial cachet of businessman and forwarder Alejandro Oetling; cover with expertly repaired central vertical tear, otherwise Very Fine, 25c bisects are only recorded from Colima and Veracruz, this is the only recorded 25c bisect usage from Colima, ex Koenig; signed J.K. Bash, with 1996 MEPSI certificate. Follansbee No. 70½ $6,000. Scott No. 61 var. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,250

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Guanajuato. Imperf, cons. 6-71, tied by Valle de Santiago cds (Schatzkes 1341A) on 1871 folded letter to Guanajuato, Very Fine, Villa de Santiago was a sub-office of Queretaro. Scott No. 61 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $95

Lot 1681 o
Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Jalapa. 9 imperf stamps and 2 perf'd stamps, various consignments, used in sub-offices or out of district, includes Tesuitlan, Altotonga, Jalacingo, Villa de Los Libres (Schatzkes 1209 under Puebla - 75 points) and Nautla, all 4 margin, mounted on exhibit pages, Very Fine.Scott No. 61 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Lagos. Imperf, cons. 9-71 error instead of 37-71, tied on small piece by blue Ledesma oval cancel (Schatzkes 680), large margins, stamp with light tone spots in margins, otherwise Very Fine; signed J.K. Bash, with 1979 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 61 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $140

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink + 50c black on yellow, Mazatlan. Imperf, cons. 8-69, tied by Mazatlan cds (Schatzkes 746) on 1870 folded letter sheet to Alamos, overweight rate of 75 centavos from the district office to its suboffice, also includes additional cover front to Mazatlan franked with 1868, 25c blue on pink, imperf, cons 8-68, plate B, tied by fancy wreath of Mocorito (Schatzkes 771), Very Fine. Scott No. 61+62, 48 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

Lot 1684 o
Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Mexico. Imperf, cons. 1-71, full Cuautitlan oval cancel (Schatzkes 205), clear to large margins, Very Fine, circular postmark not listed as a Mexico sub office cancel.Scott No. 61 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $230

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Mexico. Imperf, cons. 1-72, Habilitado overprinted and used in Puebla, folded letter dated and docketed March 22, 1872, canceled by Puebla Diligencias postmark (Schatzkes 1157), letter in English, Graham Greaves correspondence, Very Fine, a rarity in every sense - 1872 year, Mexico district, Diligencia as well as Puebla usage. Scott No. 61 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Postal Forgery, Morelia. Imperf pair, cons 10-71, tied by Mexico cds on folded letter sheet to Genova, Italy, carried by British ship to London and then to its destination, reverse with Italy 1l + 30c + 40c Postage Dues tied by "Genova, Ju 30, 71" cds and red London transit postmark; cover tears at top and 30c & 1l dues with faults from opening, Fine, multiples of the 25c postal forgeries are very scarce, particularly on maritime mail. Scott No. 61 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $650