Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Mexico. Perf'd, cons. 1-71, tied by bold boxed Soyaniquilpan handstamp (Schatzkes 850 - 100 points) on 1871 folded letter to Mexico City; slight cover toning, still Very Fine, a scarce Mexico sub office postmark only listed on the 1868 issue, Escandon archive (Rodrigo Solares was Escandon's employee). Scott No. 66 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $210

Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Mexico. Perf'd, cons 1-71, tied by boxed Otumba handstamp (Schatzkes 848) on folded letter sheet with Mexico receiver dated 2 February 1870 (year error and inverted in receiver), stamp additionally canceled by circular Mexico postmark, F.-V.F. Scott No. 66 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

Mexico, 1868, 12c black on green, Queretaro. Perf'd, cons 12-69, tied by oval Salamanca postmark (Schatzkes 1331) on 1869 folded letter to Guanajuanto, Very Fine. Scott No. 66 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $75

Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Mexico. Perf'd, cons. 1-71, tied by Soyaniquilpan boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 850) on 1871 folded letter to Mexico City, receiving backstamp, Very Fine, ex Ricoy. Scott No. 68 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $210

Lot 1704 o
Mexico, 1868, 25c blue on pink, Postal Forgery, Saltillo. Perf'd, cons 30-71, Habilitado overprinted and used in Veracruz, Veracruz April 1872 town cancel, full margins, Extremely Fine, a rare copy with fine gauge perfs and only 1 of 2 recorded from Saltillo district; with 1993 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 68 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $475

Lot 1705 o
Mexico, 1868, 50c blue on light pink, Color Error, Queretaro. Perf'd, cons 12-68, Allende cancel (Schatzkes 1277A - 200 points), Very Fine, an exceedingly rare error of color and only appears on thick figure stamps with the 1869 overprint, this being the only copy recorded and used from any sub-office; with 1992 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 69b Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $2,400