Lot 1918
Worldwide, Stamp Dealer Advertising Collection. An assembly of labels, ad covers, approval sheets and other dealer advertisement ephemera housed in 5 binders; includes a section on A.C. Roessler including an array stamp Reconnaissance ad labels, 1935 Experimental Rocket labels and cover, packets, etc., Pat Herst including a 1941 hand drawn essay for an advertising Reconnaissance stamp, various ad covers and some of his local post creations, other items from dealers including Schaubek, Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Stafford Smith & Co., Stanley Gibbons, Tatham Stamp Co., C.H. Meekel, Bogert & Dubin Co. ad card, Aug. Dietz compliments card, section of William B. Hale including his "1 Peso" stamp and Pan American labels, section of early illustrated price lists/letters including Hussey, Senf and Fournier.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,800

Lot 1919
Worldwide, Raoul de Thuin Correspondence. Original correspondence (covers and enclosures) between Carl Kane and Thuin from 1965 to one month before his death in 1975, an interesting assembly giving a fascinating insight to this stamp forger's later years, includes the early 1960's Maya Shop letterhead letters including the "come-on" letter, later correspondence including photos of Thuin and some of his paintings, 1975 approval sheet with various Salvador forged surcharges from Thuin and 9 cover creations (signed by Thuin on reverse), reproduction of Thuin's "master set" of overprint and postmark tracings, original writings by Thuin including "Sous le Ciel de Rio" (in French) and a translation of his unpublished autobiography entitled "The Hell of the Tropic" (chapters 1-3).Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $850

Lot 1920
Worldwide, Reference Balance. Hundreds of stamps on album and stockpages loose in folders and in binders and albums, 6 binders with various genuine and forgery issues for comparison including identification notes, portions of Fournier "Album de Fac-similés" album pages with many stamp and postmark facsimiles, early album with interesting forgeries including France & Colonies and German States; a diverse range material, inspection recommended.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $6,250

Lot 1921
Worldwide, Country Reference Balance. Various countries mostly in binders; includes Austria with early forged cancels, reprints and newspaper forgery types, Lombardy-Venetia reprints, later material with forged cancels and overprints, Ethiopia with early forgery types and a study of the 1919 reprints including imperf and inverted center items, Batam tree issue forgeries, Turkey issues mostly unidentified on stockpages, little Scandinavia, Fiume, Italy with mostly fake overprints and cancels, some French Area including Alsace & Lorraine, French "Spy" stamps and San Marino; some duplication to be expected.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $3,500
Lot 1922
Worldwide, Label and Cinderella Collection. Accumulation of several thousand labels mostly arranged on stock pages on books and binders; includes a host of multicolored early 20th century German festival/fair/exposition labels as well as other similar European labels and advertisement, philatelic Exposition labels, various "mystery" stamps, 1948 Tour de France label sheets, G.B. Coronation poster stamps, patriotic labels, selection of early international exposition labels sets, Olympics, trademark, etc.; a wonderful holding for the Cinderella collector (no photo).Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $3,000
Lot 1923
Worldwide, Phantom & Fantasy Collection. Hundreds of items mostly on album pages in binders; wide range of material including the 1950's South Moluccas issues, genuine and reprint 1907 Spain-Madrid Expo labels, Albania Mirdite issues including stock, Republica Andorra phantoms including reprints, Andorra 1932 fantasy airmail set, New Hebrides locals, 1943 Azad Hind issues including forgeries, Lundy Island, section of Russian phantoms including the 1920 Ghilan Revolt set and Russian Turkestan issues, Dodecancese Island issues, Epirus 1914 bogus issues including the Revolutionary Flag Issues, section of the Sedang fantasies including large multiples, also various fantasy issue catalogs with issues mounted on the pages (no photo).Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,000