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Sale 92: The Summer Sale

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The Atlantic Lines

Lots 1027-1036 Lots 1037-1045

Lot 1027    

(Atlantic Lines - Cuba) 1849 (Oct. 6) Matanzas, Cuba to Portland Me. via New York, datelined gray folded letter carried as endorsed by US Mail S.S. Co. Ohio from Havana Oct. 7th to New York arriving Oct. 13th, red "New-York, Ship, Oct 14" cds and matching "12½" in circle due handstamp, Very Fine, Carried on the Maiden Return Voyage of the U.S. Mail Steamship Co. Ohio, ex-Wierenga.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

"Ohio" sailed on her first voyage from New York Sep. 20th 1849 to Havana arriving Sep. 27th and New Orleans on Sep. 30th. She left New Orleans on Oct. 4th, returned to Havana on Oct. 7th and on to New York on Oct. 13th. "Ohio" ran on the New York/Havana/New Orleans branch of the mail route during her first year of service. The 12½¢ steamship rate was established by the first U.S.-Cuba treaty.

Reference: United States Incoming Steamship Mail 1847-1875, Second Edition, Wierenga, illustrated and discussed on pp. 44-46, fig. 58.

Realized: $210

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Lot 1028    

(Atlantic Lines - Cuba) 1850 (Oct. 26) Matanzas, Cuba to Portland Me. via New York, gray folded letter endorsed "Georgia" at bottom left, carried as endorsed by U.S. Mail S.S. Co. Georgia from Cuba to New York, entered mails with perfect bold strikes of "Steam/Ship" two-line and "12½" in circle handstamps, Extremely Fine gem use.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

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Realized: $250

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Lot 1029    

(Atlantic Lines - Cuba) 1854 (Apr. 27) Matanzas, Cuba to New York N.Y., datelined gray folded letter carried as endorsed by U.S. Mail S.S. Co. Empire City from Cuba to New York, perfect bold strike of "Steam Ship 20 Cts" in circle handstamp, choice and Extremely Fine.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

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Realized: $210

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Lot 1030    

(Atlantic Lines - Cuba) 1854 (Oct. 9 c.) Cuba to Montreal, Canada via New York, printed circular outer sheet probably from Havana with "Printed Circular" straightline handstamp, carried by US Mail S.S. Co. Crescent City from Havana Oct. 9th to New York arriving Oct. 14th, "New York, 2" circular debit handstamp, Canada "2½" pence due rating, Montreal (10.18) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, a scarce printed matter use from beyond the U.S. to Canada, ex-Winter.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

New York debited Canada 2¢ for unpaid circular arriving from Cuba and sent to U.S.-Canadian border. Canada added one penny sterling for a total postage due of 2 pence sterling or 2½ pence currency.

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Realized: $350

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Lot 1031    

1858 (Oct. 22) Cuba to London, England via Charleston and New York, docketed "22 Oct. 1858, Cahusac Bros." blue folded Rothschild correspondence cover carried by steamship into Charleston where "Steam-Ship" oval struck and red crayon "29" rating, red "New-York Br. Pkt. Nov 2" exchange cds and "10" in circle debit to G.B. handstamp, carried transatlantic by Cunard Line Europa from Boston Nov. 3rd to Liverpool arriving Nov. 18th, red London (11.19) backstamp and manuscript "1/2" 1s2d due rating; horizontal fold, Very Fine, ex-Wierenga.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Reference: United States Incoming Steamship Mail 1847-1875, Second Edition, Wierenga, illustrated and discussed on p. 151, fig. 195.

Realized: $220

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Lot 1032    

(Atlantic Lines - Cuba) 1862 (Dec. 25) Havana, Cuba to Portland Me., datelined gray folded letter carried as endorsed by Ella Warley from Havana to New York, bold "Steamship, 10" in circle due handstamp, Very Fine, Carried by steamer Ella Warley (formerly Isabel) on her last voyage after her capture by Federal forces as a Confederate blockade runner., ex-Wierenga.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

During the Civil War, for a short time, the
Isabel was a blockade runner, her name changed to Ella Warley. She cleared Charleston December 2, 1861 for Nassau, returning to Charleston on January 2, 1862. On her second trip, she cleared Charleston on February 27, 1862, but on her return to Charleston, she was captured on April 25, 1862 by the USS Santiago De Cuba. After capture, she was registered in December 1862 under the name Ella Warley. She made one last mail voyage as the Ella Warley in December 1862. She carried mails on occasion under arrangement with the Postmaster General, but had no mail contract.

Reference: United States Incoming Steamship Mail 1847-1875, Second Edition, Wierenga, illustrated and discussed on p. 77-78, fig. 105.

Realized: $130

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Lot 1033    

(Atlantic Lines - Cuba) 1864 (Mar.) Havana, Cuba to Havre, France, orange buff cover with blue "Caro Hermanos y Watson, Habana" merchant oval and endorsed "Str Eagle via New York" at top, carried as endorsed by Spofford and Tileston Eagle from Havana to New York, black "New York, Am. Pkt., Mar 26" exchange backstamp and matching "48" debit handstamp for triple 16¢, carried transatlantic by NGL Line Hansa from New York Mar. 26th to Southampton arriving Apr. 14th, red Havre "Etats Unis Serv. Am. V.A." (4.15) arrival octagon and manuscript "36" décimes due rating for three-times 12 décimes rate, Very Fine, ex-Wierenga.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Reference: United States Incoming Steamship Mail 1847-1875, Second Edition, Wierenga, illustrated and discussed on p. 156-57, fig. 203.

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Realized: $250

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Lot 1034    

(Atlantic Lines - Jamaica) 1849 (Dec. 1) Kingston, Jamaica to New York N.Y., datelined blue folded letter with red "Kingston-Jamaica, Paid, DE 1, 1849" cds with manuscript "4" pence rating, "Jamaica / Ship Letter" two-line handstamp, carried as endorsed by Morgan's Empire City Line Crescent City from Jamaica to New York, red "6" in circle due handstamp for 6¢ ship letter fee, Very Fine and choice, ex-Wierenga.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

The Empire City operated between New York and Chagres for the Empire City line of Charles Morgan. I Z This was one of the "opposition lines," as they were termed, which meant that they did not have mail contracts.

Reference: United States Incoming Steamship Mail 1847-1875, Second Edition, Wierenga, illustrated and discussed on p. 103, fig. 137.

Realized: $375

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Lot 1035    

(Jamaica) 1850 (Jul. 30) Kingston, Jamaica to New York N.Y., gray folded Stewart correspondence letter with red "Kingston, Jamaica, Paid, JY 30, 1850" rimless cds and red manuscript "8" pence prepaid rating for double the 4d rate, two-line "Jamaica / Ship Letter" handstamp, carried as endorsed by Howland and Aspinwall Cherokee from Jamaica to New York, New York manuscript "20" cent due rating for two-times the 10¢ steamship rate, Very Fine, ex-Wierenga.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Reference: United States Incoming Steamship Mail 1847-1875, Second Edition, Wierenga, illustrated and discussed on p. 104-105, fig. 140.

Realized: $475

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Lot 1036    

(Atlantic Lines - Jamaica) 1850 (Sep. 13) Kingston, Jamaica to New York N.Y., gray folded Stewart correspondence letter with red "Kingston, Jamaica, Paid, SP 13, 1850" rimless cds and red manuscript "8" pence prepaid rating for double the 4d rate, two-line "Jamaica / Ship Letter" handstamp, carried as endorsed by Howland and Aspinwall Philadelphia from Jamaica to New York, New York bold "20" cent due rating for two-times the 10¢ steamship rate, Very Fine, ex-Wierenga.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Reference: United States Incoming Steamship Mail 1847-1875, Second Edition, Wierenga, illustrated and discussed on p. 104, fig. 139.

Realized: $350

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Lots 1027-1036 Lots 1037-1045

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