Australian States: Victoria, 1854 (Oct. 28) Melbourne, Victoria to Philadelphia Pa., cover with original datelined letter bearing Victoria, 1s blue (18), tied by bold "1 V" barred numeral oval, matching "Melbourne, Victoria, OC 28, 1854" rimless oval, carried by Great Britain via Cape Horn to England, red "Liverpool, Ship, 24 JA 1855" framed handstamp and bold "3/Cents" debit handstamp to U.S., carried by Collins Line Atlantic from Liverpool Jan. 27th to New York arriving Feb. 9th, partial "Philadelphia, Am. Pkt. '24' Feb" due exchange cds, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Inexplicably, some Victoria mail to the United States via England was treated as paid to England and some was not. There is no consistency found, so apparently this was at the whim of British postal clerks.
Realized: $750

Australian States: South Australia, 1854 (Oct. 30) Adelaide, South Australia to Albany N.Y. via Melbourne and Boston, folded letter with red "Paid, Adelaide, OC 30, 1854" rimless cds and red manuscript "6" rating for 6d empire rate, carried by Bosphorus to Melbourne, then by GSSC Calcutta via Cape of Good Hope to England, red London Paid (1.30) tombstone transit with manuscript "28" cent debit to U.S., carried by Cunard Asia from Liverpool Feb. 3rd to Boston arriving Feb. 15th, partial "Boston Br. Pkt. Feb 15" exchange cds and matching "33" due handstamp; edge tape stains and separation, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
This cover, one of the last GSSC sailings, should have been considered paid to England at the 6d empire rate, but British postal clerk either thought it was unpaid, or that it originated in Victoria where retaliatory rate applied.
Realized: $900

Australian States: Victoria, 1854 (Nov. 29) Melbourne, Victoria to Lyman N.H. via New York, cover with bold red "Paid * Melbourne, NO29, 1854" rimless oval and red manuscript "1/" prepaid, carried by Clipper Kent via Cape Horn to England, London (2.27) transit cds and manuscript "12" cent debit to U.S., carried transatlantic by Ocean Line Hermann from Southampton Feb. 28th to New York arriving Mar. 18th, "New-York Am. Pkt. Mar 18" exchange cds and matching "33" due handstamp; cover edge tear, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $525

Australian States: Victoria, 1855 (Jul. 21) Melbourne, Victoria to Boston Mass., gray folded cover bearing Victoria, 1s blue (18) horizontal pair, tied by two strikes of "1 V" barred numeral oval, matching "Melbourne, Victoria, JY 21, 1855" rimless oval backstamp, carried as endorsed by Clipper Marco Polo to England, "New York, Nov 7" exchange cds and blue manuscript. "96" due rating for four-times the 24¢ transatlantic packet rate; some edge wear, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Cover was prepaid two shillings for four-times the 6d empire rate. Great Britain's retaliatory rate for Victoria was supposedly in effect at this date, but not charged here.
Realized: $750

Australian States: New South Wales, 1855 (Sep. 1) Sydney, New South Wales to New York N.Y., blue folded letter bearing New South Wales, 3d green (Sc 35), four margins, tied by barred oval, matching "Sydney, N.S.W., SR 1, 1855" rimless backstamp, carried as endorsed by Clipper Pride of the Seas via Cape Horn direct to New York, New York "6" in circle due handstamp for 6¢ ship rate to port; couple edge tears at top and some, Very Fine and attactive use, ex-Risvold. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,700

Australian States: New South Wales, 1855 (Oct. 20) Sydney, New South Wales to Richmond Va. via New York, folded letter with "Sydney, N.S.W., OC 20, 1855" rimless backstamp and manuscript "6" rating, "1d" debit handstamp to G.B., carried as endorsed by Clipper Champion of Seas contract sailing via Cape Horn to England, reverse with "Australian Packet, Liverpool, AP 25, 56" backstamp and matching "ART-2" accounting handstamp, manuscript "28 Cts" debit to U.S., carried by Cunard Line Persia from Liverpool Jan. 26th to New York arriving Feb. 9th, partial "New-York, Br. Pkt. Feb 9" exchange cds and matching "33" due handstamp for 33¢ rate, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,000

Australian States: Victoria, 1855 (Nov. 1) Greelong, Victoria to Harrisburg Pa. via New York, registered cover bearing Victoria, 3d blue (SG 31) horizontal pair, large margins with rich color, and Victoria 1s registration (F1), large to huge margins, both tied by strikes of Greelong "2 V" barred numeral ovals, matching "Greelong, Victoria, NO 1, 1855" rimless oval backstamp, manuscript "6" pence debit, Melbourne transit backstamp, carried as endorsed by Clipper James Baines via Cape Horn to England, reverse with "Australian Packet, Liverpool, MR 4 * 55" transit cds and manuscript "Art 2", manuscript "1/" rating and "¢ 24" cent debit to U.S., carried by Collins Line Quaker City from Liverpool Mar. 5th to New York arriving Mar. 21st, "New.York Am. Packet, Mar 21" exchange cds with matching "45" cent due handstamp, Very Fine, ex-Col. Green; with 2002 B.P.A. certificate. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
The "45" due handstamp is the 33¢ collect rate plus 12¢ for British registration. Note that England was still punishing Victoria by not considering transit covers paid to England at the 6d empire rate.
References: Illustrated and Discussed in Milgrams "Foreign Registered Mail: 1855-1875, Part Two: British" in the Chronicle May 2019, p. 181, fig. 21.
Realized: $8,500

Australian States: Victoria, 1855 (Nov. 2) Melbourne, Victoria to Boston Mass., gray folded letter bearing Victoria, 6d yellow orange (17), four clear to large margins, tied by barred "1 V" numeral oval, matching "Melbourne, Victoria, OC 2, 1855" rimless oval backstamp, missed James Baines as endorsed, carried by Clipper Shalimar packet sailing to England, reverse with "Australian Packet, Liverpool, FE 3, 56" backstamp and "ART-2" straightline, partial "d5" debit h.s. to Victoria, Liverpool (2.4) oval backstamp and matching "10/Cents" debit handstamp to U.S., carried by Collins Line Atlantic from Liverpool Feb. 6th to New York arriving Feb. 24th, closed bag to Boston with "Boston, Am. Pkt., Feb 25" exchange backstamp and matching bold "31" due handstamp, F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Note that United States retained 21¢ on this American transatlantic packet use, whereas United States retained only 5¢ internal postage on the British Packet use on previous page.
Realized: $800

Australian States: Victoria, 1856 (Apr. 14) "Three Mile Creek, Ovens Diggings", Victoria to Concord N.H., original letter datelined "Three Mile Creek, Ovens Diggings", blue cover bearing Victoria, 6d yellow orange (17), three margins, creases, tied by barred circle cancel, matching "Beechwood, Victoria, AP 14" rimless oval backstamp, Melbourne (4.18) transit backstamp, carried by Clipper Earl of Sefton departing Apr. 26th to England, reverse with "Australian Packet, Liverpool, JY 16, 56" backstamp and "ART-2" straightline, "d5" debit h.s. to Victoria, manuscript "26" cent debit to U.S., carried by Cunard Line Arabia from Liverpool Jul. 19th to Boston arriving Jul. 30th, "Boston, Br. Pkt., 30 Jul" exchange backstamp and matching "31" due handstamp; some edge wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
The 31¢ collect rate resulted from accountancy between Victoria and England. Great Britain claimed 5d, instead of 6d, due to the expiration of the retaliatory rate period (see Talbeart Vol 1). Three covers are recorded by exhibitor (two are shown in this exhibit) - all three have Boston arrival markings from 1856. This 31¢ rate is not discussed in the literature.
Original letter datelined "Three Mile Creek, Ovens Diggings" and with some excellent gold rush content "…We have now commenced something like California Mining - We are now sluicing. Have just begun and cannot tell what it will pay yet - But hope we may get into something that will in the end pay better than sinking or running round…".
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Realized: $625

Australian States: New South Wales, 1856 (Mar. 21) Sydney, New South Wales to Boston Mass., blue folded letter with "Sydney, N.S.W., MR 21, 1856" rimless backstamp and "Insufficiently Stamped" and "Too Late" framed handstamps, "1d" debit to G.B., sent by City of Sydney to Melbourne, carried as endorsed by Clipper Marco Polo packet letter via Cape Horn to England, reverse with "Australian Packet, Liverpool, 21 JU, 56" backstamp and Liverpool (6.22) oval, "d6" debit handstamp to N.S.W., manuscript "12" cent debit to U.S., carried by Collins Line Baltic from Liverpool Jun. 25th to New York arriving Jul. 6th, closed bag to Boston with "Boston Am. Pkt. 7 Jul" exchange; file folds, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
This voyage of the Clipper "Marco Polo" carried 68,737 ounces of gold and 157 passengers.
Realized: $450