Australian States: Victoria, 1853 (Jun. 7) Hobson's Bay, Melbourne, Victoria to Duxbury, Mass., buff cover carried out of mails to Singapore, reverse with "Singapore, Bearing" framed transit, P&O via Marseilles, red London (8.29.1851) transit backstamp and manuscript "44" debit to U.S., carried by Havre Line Franklin from Southampton Sep. 1st to New York arriving Sep. 14th, bold "New.York, Am. Packet, Sep 14" exchange cds and "65" cent due handstamp, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $500 - 750.
French charge of 5d for ¼ ounce - USA retained 21¢ (16¢ transatlantic America Packet ship postage plus 5¢ United States internal).
Realized: $750

Australian States: Victoria, 1853 (Sep.) Spring Creek, Victoria to Philadelphia Pa., gray folded cover with "Paid At Spring Ck." framed handstamp and magenta "5" pence rating, Melbourne (9.22) oval backstamp, carried by P&O steamers via Suez and Marseilles, red London (10.17) transit backstamp with manuscript "1/10" rating crossed out and "60" cent debit to U.S. at top right, carried by Cunard Line Africa from Dec. 17th to New York arriving Dec. 30th, "Boston Br. Pkt. Jan 3" exchange backstamp and matching "65" due handstamp; edge tear and reinforced separations, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
The 65¢ collect rate was 1/5 (34¢) packet rate to England, 5d (10¢) French charge for Y4 ounce, 8d (16¢) transatlantic plus 5¢ United States internal postage.
Realized: $375

Australian States: Victoria, 1854 (Jan. 24) Melbourne, Victoria to Milwaukee, Wis., light buff cover with bold "Paid, Melbourne, JA 24, 1854" rimless oval, red crayon "3" rating, carried by P&O Madras from Melbourne, London (3.29) transit backstamp, carried by Ocean Line Hermann from Southampton Mar. 29th to New York arriving Apr. 14th, black "New-York U.S. Pkt. Apr 14" exchange cds with matching "75" due handstamp; small edge tear and wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
New York's "75" has thinner numerals than Boston's "75".
Realized: $475

Australian States: Victoria, 1854 (Jan. 27) Melbourne, Victoria to Boston Mass., orange buff cover with blind embossed "Newell, Hooper & Stevens, Melbourne" corner card and showing red "Paid, Melbourne, JA 27, 1854" rimless oval, red crayon "3", carried by P&O Madras from Melbourne, London (3.29) transit backstamp with manuscript "44" cent debit to U.S., carried by Ocean Line Hermann from Southampton Mar. 29th to New York arriving Apr. 14th, black "New-York Am. Pkt. Apr 14" exchange cds with matching bold "65" due handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
United States retained only 5¢ internal postage on previous cover, but 21¢ on here including transatlantic ship postage. Note narrower numerals on New York's "65" than on Boston's "65".
Realized: $575

Australian States: Victoria, 1854 (Mar. 25) Melbourne, Victoria to Boston Mass., blue cover with "Paid, Melbourne, MA 25, 1854" rimless oval, red crayon "3", carried by P&O Chusan from Melbourne, red London (5.30) transit backstamp, manuscript "2/3" rating crossed out and corresponding "54" cent debit to U.S., carried by Collins Line Pacific from Liverpool May 31st to New York arriving Jun. 11th, closed bag to Boston, "Boston Am. Pkt. 12 Jun" exchange backstamp and matching "75" due handstamp, Very Fine and scarce. Estimate $500 - 750.
The 75¢ rate for ½ ounce including another 5d (10¢) French charge.
Realized: $600

Australian States: New South Wales, 1855 (Jun. 20) Sydney, New South Wales to New York N.Y., blue folded letter with "Sydney, JU 20, 1855" rimless backstamp, manuscript "6" pence due, carried as endorsed by P&O Phoenix from Melbourne Jun. 23rd for Singapore, she was wrecked on reef, mails transferred P&O Cecrops to Singapore, then P&O via Marseilles to England, red London (10.5) transit backstamp, manuscript "56" cent debit to U.S., carried transatlantic by Collins Line Atlantic from Liverpool Oct. 6th to New York arriving Oct. 18th, black "New-York, Am. Pkt., Oct 18" exchange cds, debit crossed out and manuscript "98" cent due rating, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
The paddle-steamer "Phoenix" sailed from Melbourne on 23 June 1855 for Singapore to connect with P &O steamer from China. She was wrecked on a reef in the Torres Straits and mail was transferred to the "Cecrops". Two covers are recorded by Hogarth and Gwinn.
Manuscript "98" is the amount due from addressee - 6d ship rate plus 1/10 via Marseilles equals 28d (56¢). Rated double 21¢ transatlantic and internal (42¢). Note that New York postal clerk used back of envelope to add 56 and 42 to determine 98¢ due.
Realized: $450

Australian States: Victoria, 1858 (Apr. 15) Melbourne, Victoria to Boston Mass., blue folded cover bearing Victoria 2d lilac (38), 1s blue (18) and 2s green (19), tied by two strikes of numeral "1" barred circles, "Melbourne, AP-15, 58" backstamp, carried as endorsed by E&ARM Victoria from Melbourne, red London (6.16) transit cds with red ms. "1/4" and correspondence "32" cent debit to U.S., carried by HAPAG Line Borussia from Southampton Jun. 18th to New York arriving Jun. 30th, "New.York, Am. Packet, Jun 30" exchange cds with matching "10" in circle due handstamp for two-times 5¢ inland postage; vertical file fold with slight toning, 2s tiny crease, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
The 37d rate was 12d via Southampton plus 9d French charge plus 16d transatlantic packet.
Realized: $425

Australian States: Victoria, 1858 (Jun. 15) Melbourne, Victoria to Boston Mass., blue cover bearing Victoria 1d yellow green (Sc 37), 4d rose (Sc 39) and 1s blue (Sc 18), all tied by numeral "1" barred circles, slightly indistinct red "Melbourne, Victoria, JU 15, 1858" rimless oval backstamp, carried by E&ARM Australasian from Melbourne, red London Paid (8.9) transit cds, manuscript "8" pence and corresponding "16" cent debit to U.S., carried by Vanderbilt Line Ariel from Southampton Aug. 11th to New York arriving Aug. 26th, partial "N.York Am. Pkt. Aug 26" exchange cds with integral "5" cent due not showing; file hole bottom left, file fold through 1d, otherwise Very Fine and scarce three-color franking for 17d rate. Estimate $500 - 750.
From January 1857, Australian Colonies mail had to be prepaid. Mail to eastern United States could only be paid to the United States border. French charge for via Marseilles mail dropped to 3d per quarter ounce.
This cover was prepaid for the 17 pence for ¼ ounce rate to United States border (9 pence to London plus 8 pence transatlantic).
Realized: $2,000

Australian States: Victoria, 1858 (Dec. 17) Melbourne, Victoria to Boston Mass., blue cover bearing Victoria 2d lilac (Sc 47), 6d blue (Sc 30) and 1s blue (Sc 18), all tied by numeral "1" barred circles, red "Melbourne, Victoria, DC 17, 1858" rimless oval backstamp, carried by E&ARM Columbian from Melbourne, red London Paid (2.5) transit cds, manuscript "8" pence and corresponding "16" cent debit to U.S., carried by Havre Line Fulton from Southampton Feb. 9th to New York arriving Feb. 26th, "N.York Am. Pkt. '5' Feb 26" exchange cds with 5¢ integral due; 1s light crease, Very Fine. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Prepaid for the 20 pence for up to ½ ounce to the United States border (12 pence to London plus 8 pence transatlantic).
Realized: $1,800

Australian States: Victoria, 1860 (Aug. 27) Morses Creek, Victoria to Springfield, Cal., cover bearing Victoria, 4d rose, strip of four and pair, strip folded over edge, cancelled by numeral "279" barred circles, reverse with Morses Creek (8.27) oval and Melbourne (8.29) transit cds, carried by P&O Jeddo from Melbourne, red London Paid (11.13) transit cds and manuscript "1/2" 1s2d credit for closed mail to San Francisco, red "San Francisco Cal., Paid, Dec 24, 1860" exchange; bit of flap missing and stamp flaws, Fine and scarce prepaid 23½d rate. Estimate $200 - 300.
There was a ¼ ounce via Marseilles fully paid to destination 23½ pence rate to the USA west-coast (3 pence more than the Southampton rate seen in previous chapter).
Springfield is an unincorporated community located in Tuolumne County, California. It is a former California Gold Rush boomtown in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, and is now designated as a California Historical Landmark.
Realized: $230