Australian States: New South Wales, 1873 (Oct. 7) Sydney, New South Wales to New Bedford Mass., cover bearing New South Wales, 2d blue (52) and 9d on 10d red brown (59), tied by two strikes of "N.S.W." oval duplexed with "Sydney, OC 7, 73" cds, red crayon "2" pence credit, carried as endorsed by P&O China via Brindisi, red London Paid (11.24) transit cds, carried by NGL Line Mosel from Southampton Dec. 8th to New York arriving Nov. 26th, red "New York, Paid All, Dec 8" exchange cds, New Bedford (12.9) arrival backstamp; flap torn, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
This cover was used during the 1873 period when there were no contract sailings across the Pacific to San Francisco. Australian mail to England via Brindisi was 9d in this period and included 1 d GB internal postage. 3d transatlantic rate also included 1d GB internal postage, so the via Brindisi rate to USA was 11d.
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Realized: $525

Australian States: New South Wales, 1874 (Apr. 14) Newcastle, New South Wales to Marblehead Mass., blue cover bearing New South Wales, 1sh rose (42) tied by numeral "55" starburst radial cancel, reverse with matching "Newcastle, N.S.W., AP 14" cds and Sydney (4.15) transit cds, red crayon "2" pence credit and pencil "Via Brindisi" docketing at top left, carried by P&O Ellora to Gallet, P&O via Suez and Brindisi, red London Paid (6.8) transit cds and matching "2" credit handstamp, carried by Cunard Siberia from Liverpool Jun. 9th to Boston arriving Jun. 20th, red "New York, Paid All, Jun 20" backstamp; reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
New South Wales preferred the via San Francisco route and refused to participate in the 1873 P&O via Suez contract with Victoria. In 1874, Victoria charges New South Wales an extra penny above the 11d the on via Brindisi mail.
Realized: $500

1877 (Apr. 30) Philadelphia Pa. to Sydney, New South Wales, buff cover bearing United States, 3¢ green (158), two singles, tied by quartered corks duplexed with "Philadelphia Pa., Apr 30" cds, black "New York, May 1" transit backstamp and matching "T" in circle handstamp, endorsed "Via San Francisco" which is crossed out in blue crayon, sent via London and Brindisi, P&O ship to Singapore, E & A Normanby to Brisbane arriving Jul. 16th, Sydney (7.19) arrival backstamp, manuscript "1/6" due rating; small stamp and cover flaws, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
1875 GPU regulations provided partially paid mail to non - GPU countries be marked with T in circle handstamps and be charged double rates of postage less credit for postage prepaid. By treaty, via San Francisco mail could not be forwarded unless prepaid at least 12¢.
Queensland subsidized Eastern & Australian Steamship Co. sailings from Singapore via Torres Strait to Brisbane. The United States via Brindisi rate was 21¢ - 42¢ penalty rate less 6¢ for postage paid= 36¢ due = 1/6.
Realized: $140

1878 (Oct. 28) Cincinnati, Ohio to Kilmore, Australia, cover bearing United States, 1¢ blue (156) and 3¢ green (158), pair and single, each tied by blue "11" barred circle duplexed with "Cincinnati. Oct 28" cds, New York (11.12, 11.30) transit backstamps and matching "N.Y./T" circular handstamp, sent via England and Brindisi, reverse with Brindisi (12.15) transit cds, P&O Siam to Melbourne, Melbourne (1.30) transit backstamp and matching "1/1 To Pay" oval handstamp, "Kilmore, Victoria, JA 30, 79" rimless arrival, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
This cover was considered paid to England, but unpaid to Australia plus 6d fine. Accompanied by rate and routing analysis by Dick Winter.
Realized: $450

Australian States: Western Australia, 1879 (Aug. 20) Northampton, Western Australia to Tunkhannock, Pa., cover bearing Western Australia, 1d bister (35) and 3d red brown (40), three singles, tied by barred numerals, matching "Northampton, Western Australia, AU 20, 1879" rimless cds, endorsed "Via Brindisi" and blue crayon "1½d", carried by P&O Avoca to Galle, P&O via Suez and Brindisi, red London (10.18) transit backstamp, New York "Paid All" (10.30) exchange backstamp; reduced slightly at left, 1d small corner flaw, Very Fine and scarce via Brindisi use. Estimate $300 - 400.
The Brindisi rate from the Australia Colonies to England was reduced to 8d in 1876, reducing the rate to the United States to 10d.
Realized: $675

Australian States: Victoria, 1880 (Jul. 22) Lorne, Victoria to Whitesboro N.Y., cover bearing Victoria, 2d violet (135) strip of four, tied by three strikes of numeral "838" barred circle, matching sharp "Lorne, Victoria, JY 22 '80" rimless cds, red crayon "2" credit, reverse with Dean's Marsh (7.22), Birregurra (7.22) and Melbourne (7.23) transits, carried by P&O Assam from Melbourne, New York "Paid All" (9.18) exchange backstamp, Very Fine and attractive franking. Estimate $150 - 200.
This is an early use after the rate was lowered to 8d.
Realized: $400

Australian States: Tasmania, 1880 (Aug. 18) Launceston, Tasmania to New York N.Y., cover bearing Tasmania, 2d green and 6d bright violet, tied by two strikes of "Tasmania" barred oval duplexed with "Launceston, AU 18 '80" cds, endorsed "Via Brindisi", red crayon "2d" credit, carried by P&O Ravenna to Suez, rail to Alexandria, P&O Ceylon Alexandria to Brindisi, red London (9.30) transit backstamp, New York "Paid All" (8.3) arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
The Brindisi rate from Tasmania to the United States was still officially 10d, but the cover went through at 8d.
Tasmania Rate Confusion: In January 1880 the via Southampton mail route was eliminated. P&O ships went through the Suez Canal, but first off-loaded Brindisi mail at Suez for shipment by rail across the isthmus. Colonies soon lowered the via Brindisi rate to USA to 8d, but Tasmania officially did not until June 1883.
Realized: $600

Australian States: Tasmania, 1883 (May 29) Hobart, Tasmania to Hampden Me., cover bearing Tasmania, 6d bright violet, tied by "Tasmania" barred oval duplexed with "Hobart, MY 29 '83" cds, Deficient Postage/Fine_____ handstamp with ms. "4/6 = 10d to pay" rating, endorsed "Via Brindisi", red crayon "2" credit; some soiling around stamp, small flaws, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
The 4d deficiency proves the 10d Brindisi rate still in effect. P&O "Ganges" carried Brindisi mail through Suez Canal because of Cholera epidemic (Tabeart, page 43-45). There is no indication the 10d to pay was ever paid.
Realized: $400

Australian States: South Australia, 1886 (Sep. 7) Allington, South Australia to Boston Mass., cover bearing South Australia, 2d orange red (62) strip of three and single, tied by three strikes of "Allington, S.A., SP7, 86" cds, Adelaide (9.8) transit backstamp, red crayon "2" credit, carried by P&O Sutlej to Ceylon, then P&O Pekin Sep. 25th to Suez, across Isthmus by railroad, P&O Nizam from Alexandria to Brindisi, reverse with London (10.19) transit cds and Boston F.D. (10.30) arrival cds; one 2d tiny flaw, Very Fine and attractive use. Estimate $200 - 300.
South Australia lowered the via Brindisi rate to GB to 6d on January 26, 1882 (Tabeart, Vol II, 2011, p25) and presumably lowered the United States rate to 8d at the same time.
Realized: $220

Australian States: Queensland, 1889 (May 14) Brisbane, Queensland to Meriden Conn., cover bearing Queensland, 4d orange yellow (59), 6d yellow green (60) and 1s pale violet (61), each cancelled by partial "Brisbane, Queensland, MY 14, 89" rimless cds, endorsed "via Brindisi", red crayon "4" credit, railroad to Adelaide where carried by P&O Parramatta, reverse with London (6.22) transit and New York "Paid All" (7.1) exchange arrival, Meriden (7.1) arrival backstamp; flap torn, light toning, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Cover was prepaid 22d for double the 11d rate via Brindisi plus 6d late fee with a 4d double-rate credit. "Parramatta" would reach Plymouth on Jul. 29th with the "slow mails".
Realized: $250