Cape of Good Hope, 1838 Uttenhagen to Capetown. Folded letter from Rev. Adams to the U.S. Consul, Uttenhagen crown in circle handstamp and "G.P.O. My 1, 1838" crown oval receiving date stamp, manuscript "1/8" rate; minor cover flaws, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75

Lot 1082 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861, 1d vermilion "Wood Block". Bar cancels, ample to large margins, rich bright color, small central thin, Very Fine appearance, a lovely example of this scarce Woodblock. Scott No. 7 $2,550.SG No. 13 £2,250 ($3,532).
Realized: $325

Lot 1083 o
Cape of Good Hope, 1861, 4d pale gray blue "Wood Block". Faint cancel, ample to large margins, bright color, tiny filled hole at base and faint crease at right, Very Fine appearance, ex Burrus. Scott No. 9a $2,400.SG No. 14a £1,700 ($2,669).
Realized: $525

Cayman Islands, 1907, ½d on 5s vermilion & green. Full fresh o.g., exceptional centering, bright colors, Extremely Fine, choice so nice. Scott No. 18 $400. SG No. 18 £250 ($392).
Realized: $250

Ceylon, 1901-02 Boer War prisoner of war covers. 4 covers and postal card; 2 1902 covers from Ragama Camp to U.S., 2 covers and postal card incoming to Diyatalawa Camp, one cover from New Bethesha, Cape of Good Hope, others locally sent; condition mixed, Fine. Estimate $200 - 250.
Realized: $230

Cyprus, 1880, 1s green. Full o.g., bright color, well centered, fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 6 $750. SG No. 6 £700 ($1,099).
Realized: $625

Cyprus, 1881, 6pi olive gray. Crown CC watermark, full o.g., small hinge remnant, strong bold color, choice centering, Extremely Fine, scarce so nice. Scott No. 15 $1,750. SG No. 15 £1,700 ($2,669).
Realized: $1,050

Cyprus, 1882, ½pi on ½pi emerald green. Crown CC watermark, bright warm color, faint natural paper wrinkle at bottom, fresh and Fine. Scott No. 16 $700. SG No. 23 £650 ($1,020).
Realized: $375

Cyprus, 1886, ½pi on ½pi emerald green. Crown CC watermark, normal setting surcharges, full o.g., hinge remnant, strong color, nicely centered, Very Fine and choice, a lovely mint example of this very rare Cyprus 1886 double ½pi surcharge issue. Scott No. 27 $8,750. SG No. 28 £8,000 ($12,560).
Realized: $5,500

Cyprus, 1923, 10s green & yellow on pale yellow. Full o.g., perfect centering, fresh with rich colors, Extremely Fine and choice, a beauty. Scott No. 87 $425. SG No. 100 £375 ($589).
Realized: $425