Andorra (French), High Quality Comprehensive All MintCollection, 1931-1964, a complete mint collection for the period except for one inexpensive stamps Scott 72. Therefore it includes all of the difficult early sets as well as the Semi-Postals, Air Post, Postage Due and Newspaper issues. We note that the quality is exceptional with few if any faults. Fine to Very Fine or better throughout. Also, much is n.h., High Scott value., ex Global Collection.
Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Austria, Very Comprehensive Mint Collection, 1867-1970, collection on Scott album pages (two volumes), also on blank pages and black Hagner stock cards, with earlier issues mostly reprints, after that complete from Coarse and Fine Print, with better shades, Coat of Arms to 50kr, Franz Josef regular issues, varnish Bars, 1908-1916 sets to 10kr, balance of commemoratives and regular issues complete, with 10sh Dollfuss (380), 1945 Hitler overprints (405-531), etc., Semi-Postals complete (no souvenir sheets), also Air Post, Postage Dues, Military Stamps, selection of Occupation overprints, Austrian Offices in the Turkish Empire, Lombardy Venetia, plus other miscellaneous items, Fine - Very Fine, o.g. or n.h., ex Global Collection. Estimate $3,500 - 5,000.
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Belgian Congo, All Things Congo with Numerous Key Stamps, 1886-1960, collection on pages, two volumes, regular issues, singles and sets, with extensive showing of "Congo Belge" overprints, various 1922-23 surcharges collected according to COB catalogue, some duplication, varieties, multiples, including imperforate blocks of four of the 1943 issue, same with security punches from the printer's archives, booklet panes, plus scarce Parcel Post. Another collection on Scott album pages, used and unused, with Ruanda, souvenir sheets, Postage Dues, etc. Also noteworthy is the rare "Urundi" overprint set N9-N16 catalogue value of $4,860. Condition is generally Fine to Very Fine with few faults., ex Global Collection. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Realized: $4,000
Bermuda, A Superior All Mint Collection, 1865-1966, collection on hingeless Scott album pages, good showing of early Queen Victoria to 1sh (1,2,5, 6-9), surcharges include 14, 15, many different shades. Dry Dock complete. George V complete to £1, with additional shades of 2sh6p, some better, also 12sh6p, also excellent selection of George VI, occasional flaws possible, Fine - Very Fine, o.g. or n.h., ex Global Collection. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
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Realized: $2,100
British Commonwealth, Multiple Islands & Territories Featuring AlmostComplete Falkland Islands All Mint, 1878-2016, collection in 7 albums, mostly complete Falkland Islands, two volumes, Queen Victoria to 5sh, George V to £1, George V and Penguin complete, Centenary complete to 10sh, later definitives, souvenir sheets, Postage Dues, booklets, also collections of Falkland Dependencies, apparently complete and South Georgia, British Antarctic Territories and two-volume collection of Pitcairn Islands, l.h. or n.h., Fine - Very Fine., ex Global Collection.
Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
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Realized: $6,750
British Guiana, Extraordinary Advanced Mint Collection, 1860-1976, certainly, one of the finest collections of British Guiana that we have had the pleasure to offer. A comprehensive collection loaded with scarce and rare stamps valued into the many hundreds of dollars each, carefully mounted on black Hagner sheets and annotated with older Stanley Gibbons prices which are today often 50% higher. This is truly an exceptional lot in a quality rarely seen with the better stamps all still present, 99% unused with many difficult to find issues contains an excellent range of perforated Seal of Colony issues, also scarce overprints, Officials, 1888-1891 surcharges, Pictorials, George V and George VI definitives, QEII sets, varieties including inverted and double overprints. Assembled one stamp at a time. The overall quality is exceptional with only a few faults, most are Fine to Very Fine. A pleasure to view. High catalogue value., ex Global Collection. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
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Realized: $6,500
British Honduras, High End All Mint Collection, 1888-1966, a very comprehensive mint collection neatly arranged on black Hagner sheets with Stanley Gibbons numbers and old S.G. catalogue values (now often from 20% to 100% higher) noted for each stamp on the page. Very complete for the period beginning with Queen Victoria issues to the $5. With overprints and surcharges plus King Edward VII and King George V sets to the $5. Plus, the later sets and singles. Condition is exceptional Fine to Very Fine with few if any faults, also o.g. or n.h. is noted. A lovely collection, ex Global Collection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $1,800
Brunei, An Almost Complete Mint Collection, 1895-1966, a superior all mint collection lacking only several rarities for completion. Starts with mint Scott #A1-A10 n.h. $275., 1-12 $714., 13-39 $1,251., 14b-37a $242., 43-58 $242., 62075 $171., Japanese Occupation N1-N7 (2 of each) $392., N8 margin copy n.h. $800., N9 $1,000. N10-N17 (2 of each) $660., N18 $1,100., Perfect for online sales or to start a Brunei collection from the top. Well worth viewing. Condition is excellent at least Fine to Very Fine o.g. or n.h. with few if any faults. High resale value., ex Global Collection. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
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Realized: $2,800
Bulgaria, An Advanced Comprehensive Mint Collection, 1879-1930, a very complete mint collection for the period of several hundred sets and singles housed in a Scott binder on hingeless pages and well annotated on each page. The scarce first issues through 1-20 and 21-27 are all here in mint condition plus the scarce Postage Due stamps J1-J23 mint as well as most of the balance of issues up to 1930. We also note Officials, Parcel Post and Postal Tax stamps are all included. A lot well worth viewing, condition is well above the norm at Fine to Very Fine with few faults. Very high resale value, ex Global Collection. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
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Canada, Impressive and Powerful Collection Heavy in High-End Mint, 1852-1996, housed in seven binders on Scott hingeless pages and Vario black sheets is one of the finest Canadian Country collections that we have had the pleasure to offer. From the initial pages in volume 1 you see the many different shades and printings of the Small and Large Queens clearly described on each page with value into the hundreds of dollars each and some even over $1,000. This is not your ordinary collection as you will also find duplicates quite often of better items throughout in addition to varieties. For instance the Jubilee issue has numerous duplicates in the values up to the 50¢ and even the full set of dollar values has extra $1.00, $4.00, and $5,00 values and the Jubilee section alone is in excess of $15,000. catalogue value. This is followed by duplicated sections of Maple Leafs and the Numeral issues, King Edward VII sets to the 50¢, Quebec is here and the Admiral issue is present with many extras through the $1.00 value. The coils from 1913-1940 period are here in profusion with many scarce types and a fair amount of n.h. as well. We note there are often singles, pairs, strips and paste-up pairs of many $100. And up coils, later. The modern issues also contain all of the better more recent items. We also note occasional plateblocks and a few early n.h. blocks. All of the better sets are present from the 1930's and up with some duplicates. Also there is an album of Postal Stationery. A nice section of all of the better Postage Due issues is included. If possible please view this outstanding collection to fully appreciate it. Condition on the early issues is a bit mixed with a few faults and no gum, however there are also some exceptional stamps there as well. Overall the collection is 99% mint and the later issues after 1910 are mainly Fine to Very Fine o.g. or n.h. with very few faults. The resale value is enormous, as is the total in Scott., ex Global Collection. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
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Realized: $9,000